Comic: how to have better arguments about the environment (or anything else)

Comic How to have arguements Header
Comic How to have arguements Header
 Conflict can make us lose sight of common goals  
and interests. Darren Fisher, CC BY-ND

From climate change to armed conflict, our world is struggling with urgent global issues. But disagreements about how to solve them can spiral out of control.

The only way to resolve intractable conflicts is to overcome desire to talk to allies more often than opponents. Here, a social psychologist, two ecologists and a cartoonist explain the toolbox of communication we need to resolve difficult issues.

Darren Fisher/Jutta BeherCC BY-ND
Darren Fisher/Jutta BeherCC BY-SA
Darren Fisher/Jutta BeherCC BY-ND
Darren Fisher/Jutta BeherCC BY-ND
Darren Fisher/Jutta BeherCC BY-ND
Darren Fisher/Jutta BeherCC BY-ND
Darren Fisher/Jutta Beher, CC BY-ND

The article and information is the work of:


Image of Jutta BeherJutta Beher – [Spatial analyst in conservation and ecology, University of Melbourne];
Image of Darren C FisherDarren C Fisher – [Lecturer, Swinburne University of Technology];
Image of Leonie SeabrookLeonie Seabrook – [Landscape Ecologist, The University of Queensland]
Image of Winnifred LouisWinnifred Louis – [Professor, Social Psychology, The University of Queensland]

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