Cyclion raises over $500K in equity crowdfunding campaign

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The Brisbane-based startup is set to begin construction on 18 waste-to-energy plants in the Philippines beginning early-2024

Cyclion – a waste-to-energy start-up — has raised $523,870.20 in their equity crowdfunding campaign via Birchal. The campaign launched three weeks ago has been privately funded by 297 Australians, including Rory Kennard from Kennards Hire and Makinex.

Aware of the eagerness of Australians to accelerate the adoption of more renewable technology and circular energy systems and reduce waste, the Brisbane-based start-up more than doubled its original investment goal.

The Brisbane-based start-up has developed proprietary technology that utilises proprietary catalysts combined with heat to convert mixed waste materials such as plastics and organic waste into energy. The process liquifies plastics and organic rubbish, transforming it into fuel, or converted into flammable gas to generate electricity. The method not only reduces the amount of waste finding its way into landfills but offers a fuel source that is far more environmentally friendly, sustainable, and profitable than many current fuel and energy options.

“We know that now more than ever, Australians want to hold a stake and voice in the future of our planet,” said Philip Major. “The last few weeks of talking with investors has been an incredible experience. We’ve been operating behind closed doors for so long that it was incredibly gratifying to explain our technology, offer and vision with so many people who are eager to see the same change in the world that we have been seeking to create.”

“Speaking with a range of people from machine and manufacturing experts like Rory, to single-parents concerned with the planet’s future has been one of the biggest joys of the company since we first began our journey.”

Cyclion has been collaborating with QUT to conduct testing to prove the concepts that have been developed  and is now proceeding to the optimisation phase before starting to to roll out its sustainable offering worldwide, beginning with the Philippines in 2024. In October, Cyclion signed a Letter of Intent with the National Development Company (NDC), the Philippines’s leading state-owned enterprise investing in diverse industries, to begin rolling out 18 of Cyclion’s waste-to-energy plants.

The project, slated to begin development in early 2024, will see Cyclion design, develop and operate new energy plants that can each transform 50 tonnes of waste per day. The first of these projects is set to begin construction in 2024 for operation and fuel production by early 2025. The remaining plants will continue to be rolled out  by the end of 2026.

Philip Major, Founder and CEO of Cyclion began his journey in waste to energy in 2014 but said “The partnership with the NDC which will launch the vision of Cyclion”. “This partnership will utilise our proprietary catalyst production to tackle a global issue, and we’re thrilled to have partnered with an organisation that shares our vision and belief in sustainable technology being good for the planet and profits.”

While waste is an issue in every country, Cyclion has chosen to focus its efforts on bringing its technology solutions to Southeast Asia, where much of the world’s waste is exported and dumped. In the Philippines alone, one-third of the world’s plastic waste has been distributed across the country’s 7641 islands.

Cyclion’s technology could be a critical factor in bridging the gap between waste collection organisations and the need for more sophisticated recycling technologies. Cyclion estimates that the 12,350 tonnes of plastic waste stockpiled by RedCycle following their collapse could be broken down by a fully operational Cyclion plant in around two weeks. The result would be 2 million litres of diesel fuel and could fill the tanks of around 33,333 cars.

About Cyclion

Cyclion is a pioneering leader in waste to energy services – committed to revolutionising the way we manage mixed waste and generate power globally. Established in November 2022, Cyclion Waste to Energy Solutions aims to minimise landfill by using patent pending, cutting edge technology to harness the latent energy housed in mixed waste materials such as plastics and organic matter, converting it into clean, renewable and profitable energy.

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