Develop a Better Team with an Employee Skills Matrix

better team
better team

A skills matrix is a tool that helps look at things like employee training records to identify what skills and training your employees have in each department, what skills you need, and to see where the gaps are so that you can lift their competency and improve how individuals and teams perform. It helps to better recognise your employees for their abilities and achievements and it gives you a better idea of how confident they are with each of the specific skills required to do better in their role. From that, you can create a training plan that has better focus and far better impact. You can also use it for cross-training purposes so that a team can still perform even if one member is off work.

The importance of a skills matrix

Having a skill matrix helps to focus conversations you should be having with your employees on their work and the basic skills every position requires. It is closely linked to having standard work. With the matrix, you can better identify skills that are key to each role, and then check the team against a level of competency and use that to correct gaps, and bad work habits.

The problem with how a lot of businesses do it, where the person leaving spends a week or so showing the new person what to do, is that over time modifications happen, people forget things and sometimes the reason behind certain things is lost. This affects the quality of work that position produces through no fault of the employee in it. An employee skills matrix keeps a track of all the skills and ensures they are carried out even when the position goes to someone else, or when that person is absent. It also helps staff see the big picture and where their actions fit into the whole.

What should a good skills matrix look like?

First of all, it needs to list all the key tasks and skills for every employee. It should include things like equipment use and it should be broad. Then look at the staff’s competency against the skills using a 5 level system, from has not complete this skill or does not need to, to moderate with supervision, can do it without supervision, can do it well without supervision, to fully competent and can train others in that skill. Be sure to review the evaluation with each of the employees and add to their employee training records. You could also display it so it is something the teams work on together.

Have a training plan and get training

Now you know who could stand to have further training and in what areas. This training is not something that can happen straight away for every employee but you now have a better understanding thanks to the employee skills matrix of which needs to happen sooner and which are less urgent. When new employees start be sure to add them to the matrix. Make the time and remember cross-training is important for times when team members or off sick or on vacation. When you invest in your employees’ training it truly pays off.

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