Digital Marketing And The Automotive Scene – Paul Sera and His Journey 

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Who doesn’t want to succeed in life? Indeed, we all look for the big opportunities and try to cash them as soon as they cross our paths. However, many times we forget to pay attention to our passions and face regret later in life.

In this blog post, we are looking at an entrepreneur with personality and passions.

Paul Sera is an Australian IT professional, digital marketing maverick, and entrepreneur who’s harnessing his love for modified cars, supercars and IT in his own ways.

Let us jump to the topic and find out more about Paul Sera’s life and what we can learn from his story.

Early Life

Paul Sera was born and raised in an Australian home with a father and brother who loved cars and things on wheels. Playing different car games and focusing on his Go-karting skills at the track every week, Paul naturally developed an everlasting attraction for cars and the automotive scene. 

As he grew up, he got to race with many Australian V8 supercar racing stars of the present-day.  This level of skill, along with his achievements, made him confident of the gift and passion that he had in him.

But that is just one side of the story.

In the other news, Paul got his first computer at a very young age. That was the time when home computers used to be super-rare, and then the internet made the deal even bigger.

Getting his hands on the computer, Paul quickly connected. And there grew his love for IT and computers, helping him land his first full time IT job in 1999. Thanks to his out of the box thinking, he was quickly promoted and got the chance to work with a number of different companies, including a global Fortune 500 company.

Now in 2020, Paul owns, manages and grows two companies, which you can find the details for in the next sections.

Radial Life

After working for a number of popular MNCs and Fortune 500s for a long time, in the year 2014, Paul was told by his employer that he might soon become redundant.

Certainly, that is a reason for setbacks. But that motivated Paul to pay even more attention to his own venture – Radial Life. And look, today Paul is a self-employed entrepreneur making the most out of his days and life.

Moving further, Radial Life is an automotive merchandise company that offers top quality automotive lifestyle apparel and merchandise for both men and women. Recently, they got a few Instagram celebrities to rock our merchandise. 

Celebrities like Margarita Smith of Love Island AU to Tamara Joy from MAFS and Aggi Guardiani from the Bachelorette AU, have worn and posted about the Radial Life clothing brand on their social media platforms. This certainly stepped up Paul’s Radial Life’s marketing game.

You can check out the Radial Life store for their latest range of products.

Apart from that, Radial Life also has an aim to bring huge drag racing events and car shows to the Australian soil. On 1st December 2018 and 22nd February 2020, Radial Life organised its two major Drag racing events at the Ballarat Airport – World Advertising No Excuses. 

Here are the videos and classes for both the drag events.

No Excuses 1

Races took place in the following different categories based on the tyre size:

  • R235 (For cars running up to a 235 Radial)
  • R275 (For cars running up to a 275 Radial)
  • R325 (For cars running up to a 325 Radial)

Here’s the recap video:

No Excuses 2

The second event also had the same classes as the first one. To get a glimpse, watch the video below.

NextGen Digital

Even when Radial Life was running swift and smooth, Paul knew of his potential in terms of computers, IT and Digital.

His love for digital marketing was undying, and he wanted to help businesses make profits out of his knowledge and experience. That’s when and why NextGen Digital was started with an aim to offer digital marketing plus IT support services to companies.

Today NextGen Digital offers a wide variety of top-of-the-line digital marketing services to Australian and international clients.

Moving further, if you want to learn more about Paul, his story and things to learn, do check out his blog and Vlogs

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