Dog don’ts and do-do’s in warmer months

Foster and Bernadene
Foster and Bernadene

Council is on the look-out for dog owners breaking local laws, with more residents enjoying time outdoors with their pets as the weather warms.

The Summer Amenity Program has commenced and Summer Amenity officers and Animal Management officers are even more visible in Port Phillip.

Summer Amenity officers are regularly patrolling the foreshore, while Animal Management officers are focusing on streets and parks.

Two extra Summer Amenity local laws officers have been hired to assist with animal behaviour and illegal camping. They are also assisting police with foreshore shopping precinct patrols.

Mayor Bernadene Voss said Council encouraged responsible dog ownership.
“Pet owners need spaces where their four-legged friends can enjoy their surrounds. But when using designated off-leash areas, dog owners must still carry a leash and ensure their dog is under effective control,” Cr Voss said.

“Carrying a bag and picking up after your dog, and using off-leash areas correctly, make a huge difference to the community’s enjoyment of these public spaces.

“Our beaches and parks provide many opportunities for exercising and bonding with your pet, but they must be used responsibly.”

In Port Phillip, seven dog beaches are available, five where dogs can play off-leash all year round and two early morning dog beaches.

To ensure there are no messy moments for the community, Council reminds pet owners it’s the law to carry appropriate waste bags available from pet shops, veterinaries and supermarkets.

To ask a question, request information or provide feedback online, use Council’s eServices. If you prefer, call ASSIST on 9209 6777 and ask for Animal Management.

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