Eco Voice joins The Alex Theatre

MEDIA RELEASE EcoVoice joins Alex Theatre V1 06.10
MEDIA RELEASE EcoVoice joins Alex Theatre V1 06.10

Australia’s leading sustainability news platform is joining forces with the Alex Theatre in Fitzroy Street St Kilda to champion Sustainability Innovation through Entertainment, Education and Community Engagement.

Together, Eco Voice ( and the Alex Theatre ( will host sustainability events, produce multi-media content and showcase the latest sustainability innovations and ideas.

Eco Voice, first published in 2003, is a treasure trove of content for all those interested in sustainability. Eco Voice is your go-to publication for sustainability news in Australia. Eco Voice prides itself as an independent news platform with a clear focus on sustainability, with articles coming from a diverse range of contributors – all levels of government, corporations, not-for-profits, community groups, small to medium sized businesses, universities, research organisations, etc. Eco Voice values community, conservation and commerce. Eco Voice is a media partner of the prestigious Australian Banksia Sustainability Awards – The Peak Sustainability Awards.

The Alex Theatre is a unique Creative Hub that directly supports arts and innovative projects to stimulate cultural, social, and economic activity both in the arts sector and the surrounding business community.

The diverse mix of people and projects within the Alex Theatre has nurtured a dedicated focus on Sustainability Innovation and strong intersections in areas that wouldn’t normally gain exposure to one another.

Publisher of Eco Voice, Tim Langdon, says the Alex Theatre is the perfect partner and venue to collaborate with to promote sustainability thinking and action.

“There is so much that we will be able to do together.”

“In 2020 we launched The Living Venue ( as part of the Alex Theatre project to build on our commitment to environmental awareness in and through our facilities. Our framework to create a sustainable model for entertainment and cultural centres has at its core the motto ‘Living now for tomorrow’, however, this task is much larger than an individual business like ours can build on its own. I am very mindful that if

“It takes a village to raise a child” What will it take to save our planet for our childrens’ future? Well, the answer is simple, all of us working together. With that in mind I am very excited on behalf of my Team at the Alex Theatre to welcome Eco Voice into our Tribe in St Kilda.” said Aleksandar Vass OAM

“Having lived in St Kilda with its popular beaches, wonderful gardens and vibrant community for over 25 years I am thrilled and delighted to anchor my virtual publication Eco Voice to The Alex Theatre here in St Kilda announcing it as its physical home,” said Tim Langdon.

General Manager of the Alex Theatre, Allan Rendell, says Art is the healthiest food for the brain and soul, dispensed through industry, business and community.

“We need to take steps to create a better future for the generations to come and now I believe we are well positioned to make a difference here in St Kilda and beyond.

“One can explore and mirror one’s own creativity in the inspiration offered by live performances, foster one’s need to believe in the future with purpose and explore new personal development opportunities helping to keep our Earth healthy.

Without live art, such as that embodied by the Alex Theatre STK, people would miss on these precious opportunities,” Allan Rendell said.

Sustainability is for everyone and if you would like to get an insight into some of the opportunities that sustainability offers, please view this short clip that Tim developed with Horizon Films here in St Kilda 

For further information, please contact:
Tim Langdon
Eco Voice
Mobile: 0417 511 956

Allan Rendell
General Manager
Alex Theatre STK
Mobile: 0477 640 552 Email:


MEDIA RELEASE EcoVoice joins Alex TheatreFirst published in 2003, Eco Voice is your go-to publication for sustainability news in Australia. Eco Voice prides itself as an independent news platform with a clear focus on sustainability, with articles coming from a diverse range of contributors – all levels of government, corporations, not-for-profits, community groups, small to medium sized businesses, universities and research organisations. Eco Voice values community, conservation and commerce. Eco Voice is a media partner of the prestigious Australian Banksia Sustainability Awards – The Peak Sustainability Awards.


MEDIA RELEASE EcoVoice joins Alex Theatre V1 06.10 1The mission of The Alex Theatre St Kilda is to integrate the arts into the identity and economic vitality of our local community by supporting, programming, presenting and creating partnerships that benefit youth, Patrons, artists, organisation and businesses through the Alex Theatre project.

The Alex Theatre is a Sustainable Tourism Accredited Business in Victoria.

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