Eco Voice Q & A: Maurice Lake, the creator of Buildonix®


Maurice Lake, the creator of Buildonix®


Maurice Lake, the creator of Buildonix®, is a residential and commercial builder in the Sydney inner Suburbs believed that there was a way that building could be done better; prioritising sustainability and combining the inherent efficiencies of mass production and the advancements of the digital age transitioned from simple modular and container-based building designs to the Buildonix® building technology over several years.

To provide insights into a world-first innovative and sustainable building model, Tim Langdon, publisher of Eco Voice, had the pleasure of facilitating a Q & A with Maurice Lake, the creator of Buildonix®.

Q1.  What is the Buildonix® innovative building model?

The Buildonix® innovative building model represents a groundbreaking paradigm shift in construction methodology on a global scale. At the heart of our innovation lies a components-based approach to building, redefining the way structures are conceived, designed, and erected.

Unlike traditional construction methods that rely on an onsite fabrication and building construction model Buildonix® buildings are constructed using individual, meticulously crafted and mass-produced building components. Each component is purposefully designed and engineered to seamlessly integrate with others, allowing for unparalleled flexibility and customisation in residential and commercial designs.

Each component is carefully manufactured to exact specifications, guaranteeing consistency and quality throughout the build. These components are then hand-assembled and locked in place, forming the foundation of any
customised residential or commercial design, not constrained by the traditional design limitations of modular or prefabricated models.

This innovative approach offers numerous advantages over traditional construction methods. By breaking down the building process into components, Buildonix® enhances efficiency, reduces construction time, and minimises waste. Additionally, the flexibility of our components allows for rapid customisation, empowering clients to create tailored solutions that meet their unique needs and preferences.

In essence, the Buildonix® innovative building model represents a transformative leap forward in construction technology. By embracing the principles of mass customisation, precision and quality design, and sustainability, we are shaping the future of residential design and construction, one component at a time.

Q2. What sustainable building components are involved? 

The Buildonix® system integrates sustainable building components at its core, with aluminium serving as its primary material. Aluminium stands out for its exceptional versatility, offering a myriad applications owing to its lightweight and flexible properties. What truly sets aluminium apart, however, is its remarkable recyclability. Unlike many other materials, aluminium retains its original properties regardless of how many times it’s recycled, making it an ideal choice for sustainable construction practices.

Our dedication to sustainability is exemplified by the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) secured for our predominant use of aluminium in the Space Frame building design. This declaration, available for reference at
(, reaffirms our commitment to environmentally responsible building practices. Every Buildonix® component is meticulously crafted with ongoing
reusability in mind, enabling their seamless integration into multiple structures. Through our innovative component-based approach, we can effortlessly adapt, repurpose, and reimagine building components to meet diverse design requirements, ensuring minimal waste and maximum efficiency.

Furthermore, our Buildonix® façade system serves as a versatile solution for both standalone residential structures and as a standalone building façade system for low- and high-rise buildings. This versatility not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of our buildings but also presents an opportunity to incorporate a variety of material finishes into the structural facade. By integrating recycled or repurposed materials into our façade system, we not only reduce waste but also contribute to a circular economy, where resources are reused and repurposed to their fullest potential.

Q3. How does this building process fit into the circular economy?

The Buildonix® technology is firmly rooted in the principles of the circular economy. The circular economy envisions a system where materials remain in circulation indefinitely, fostering resource conservation and environmental regeneration. Buildonix® has embraced this vision with a comprehensive approach that integrates circular economy principles into our building practices and methodologies.

At the heart of our approach lies the design of Buildonix® components for reusability. Unlike traditional construction materials that are often used once and then discarded, our components are engineered to withstand multiple life cycles. This not only reduces waste generation but also promotes resource efficiency by maximising the utility of materials across various structural and aesthetic applications.

Furthermore, our innovative facade system exemplifies our commitment to sustainability within the circular economy framework. By accommodating a diverse range of material finishes, including recycled options, we
promote the reuse and repurposing of resources. This not only conserves valuable materials but also minimises the environmental impact associated with new material extraction and production. Additionally, the durability and longevity of our facade system ensure extended service life, further contributing to resource conservation and waste reduction.

In addressing the housing shortage in Australia, Buildonix® offers transformative solutions that tackle the underlying challenges facing the construction industry. By enhancing productivity and efficiency, our technology enables the rapid deployment of residential projects, thereby increasing overall construction output. This is particularly crucial in the context of Australia’s housing crisis, where demand continues to outstrip supply.

In essence, Buildonix® represents a paradigm shift in construction methodology, offering a sustainable and efficient solution to housing availability issues in Australia. By embracing the principles of the circular economy and
innovating across all facets of building design and construction, we are paving the way for a more resilient, resource-efficient, and accessible built environment.

Q4. Is the building industry embracing sustainability more generally?

The building industry is experiencing a significant shift towards sustainability, driven primarily by heightened awareness of environmental concerns and regulatory mandates. In recent years, there has been a notable uptick in
sustainability initiatives, with a focus on improving material sustainability, enhancing performance standards, and implementing sustainable procurement policies. These efforts reflect a growing recognition of the need for more environmentally responsible practices throughout the construction sector.

However, many in the industry struggle to meet the increasingly stringent regulations and standards due to reliance on outdated construction techniques and methods. This tension between regulatory demands and industry practices has led to concerns about productivity and cost implications. As a result, there is a palpable sense of stagnation in construction output, with the housing demand across Australia remaining a pressing issue.

Despite these challenges, there is a noticeable surge in efforts to drive sustainability improvements across the industry. Energy efficiency advancements in products and offerings have seen significant growth, signalling a positive trajectory towards overall sustainability. However, achieving a comprehensive transition to a sustainable and circular construction industry requires a fundamental shift in technological methodologies and construction delivery.

In this landscape of evolving sustainability initiatives, Buildonix® emerges as a transformative force in the construction sector. By embodying principles of sustainability and innovation, Buildonix® sets a new standard for
construction practices, paving the way for a greener, more resilient future. Our technology not only addresses the challenges outlined in the previous discussion but also serves as a catalyst for industry-wide sustainability

We recognise the imperative of integrating sustainability into every aspect of construction, from design to execution. Our commitment to sustainability is evident in our use of recyclable materials, emphasis on reusability, and focus on minimising waste throughout the building process. By championing sustainable practices and pushing the boundaries of technological innovation, Buildonix® is leading the charge towards a more sustainable and circular construction industry.

Q5. What can businesses do in your sector to become more sustainable?

To foster sustainability in the construction sector, businesses must embrace a multifaceted approach that transcends traditional practices. With construction contributing over 40% of total landfill waste in Australia, implementing robust on-site waste management practices emerges as a pivotal step towards sustainability. By investing in efficient

waste management and prioritising recycling efforts, businesses can significantly minimise their environmental footprint while enhancing resource utilisation.

Moreover, fostering industry-wide education on sustainable building products and methodologies is imperative. Collaborative efforts led by peak industry bodies and regulatory authorities can drive greater awareness and
adoption of sustainable practices across the sector. Through mandatory education initiatives, businesses can gain valuable insights into innovative solutions, paving the way for more energy-efficient constructions and superior
building outcomes.

However, the journey towards sustainability faces barriers rooted in risk perception, including concerns about unfamiliarity, performance, durability, and liability associated with unproven products. Overcoming these barriers
requires a concerted effort to establish industry-wide standards and benchmarks, fostering confidence and trust in sustainable solutions. By prioritising education and collaboration, businesses can navigate these challenges and drive meaningful progress towards sustainability.

Q6. How can publications, such as Eco Voice, play their part in promoting environmentally friendly building?

Publications like Eco Voice wield significant influence in driving the adoption of environmentally friendly building practices. Unlike industry-specific publications, they possess a diversified audience, reaching beyond industry
insiders to engage a broader consumer base. By disseminating information on sustainable products and services, Eco Voice and similar publications amplify awareness and empower consumers to make informed choices that prioritise sustainability.

At the heart of widespread uptake of sustainable practices lies consumer preference and engagement. By spotlighting the environmental, social, and financial benefits of sustainable products and services, publications like
Eco Voice catalyse demand within the construction industry. Increased competition spurred by consumer demand compels companies to innovate and drive down the costs of sustainable alternatives, making them more accessible to a broader audience.

The persistence of inefficient or unsustainable construction practices is often rooted in a lack of awareness or understanding of alternative solutions. Eco Voice plays a vital role in bridging this gap by educating readers about the benefits of sustainable building practices. By highlighting success stories, case studies, and industry trends, publications can inspire industry-wide change and accelerate the transition towards environmentally friendly
building practices.

Furthermore, the rising influence of companies specialising in sustainable products and services underscores the growing demand for environmentally conscious solutions. As these companies gain traction and visibility, they
contribute to a paradigm shift within the construction industry, driving mainstream adoption of sustainable practices.


First published in 2003, Eco Voice is your go-to publication for sustainability news in Australia. Eco Voice prides itself as an independent news platform with a clear focus on sustainability, with articles coming from a diverse range of contributors – all levels of government, corporations, not-for-profits, community groups, small to medium sized businesses, universities, research organisations, together with input from international sources. Eco Voice values community, conservation and commerce. Eco Voice is a media partner of the prestigious Australian Banksia Sustainability Awards – The Peak Sustainability Awards.

ABOUT Buildonix®

Buildonix® is a building and technology company that designs and develops sustainable and fully adaptable buildings using components that assemble and interlock quickly and on-site. A world-first solution, Buildonix® is manufactured in Australia and can be altered, expanded and transformed into your dream home with minimal labour and no waste. Buildonix® sits within the circular economy and uses components made from sustainable materials and building waste that can be reused and repurposed over multiple lifecycles. Buildonix® is a subsidiary of Stonelake Pty Ltd. Build your dream home today at

Adaptable, sustainable, high quality and quickly assembled on-site, here’s a video demo / timelapse:

Innovative model includes the following features, which can cut building time significantly for builders and anyone with a white card – it’s unimpacted by ongoing materials and labour shortages:

  • Fast for builders to assemble
  • Assembled on-site
  • Durable and safe
  • No waste
  • No noise
  • Adaptable – homeowners can start small and expand or downsize
  • Made using sustainable components – which can be repurposed again and again
  • Easy to transport – components pack away easily in boxes (no cranes or other heavy equipment required in transport or assembly)
  • Lego-like components can be assembled into a home, studio, granny flat and more

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