Eco Voice Q & A: Michael Casey, Founder of Evergreen Infrastructure

Michael Casey

Michael Casey, Founder of Evergreen Infrastructure


Michael Casey, a Registered Horticulturist and champion of nature-based solutions, is a visionary in green infrastructure and horticulture. As the Director of Evergreen Infrastructure, he’s renowned for innovative projects like green walls and urban farming initiatives. Michael’s career extends to the education sector, where he co-designs green spaces for environmental education. He’s actively involved in industry associations, serving as National President of the Australian Institute of Horticulture and contributing to the Australasian Green Infrastructure Network. Michael’s work includes authorship, research, and shaping industry standards. His unique ability to blend nature and human spaces has earned him awards, including the Australian Institute of Horticulture Silver Gum Award in 2022.

To provide insights into sustainable urban development in Australia, Tim Langdon, publisher of Eco Voice, had the pleasure of facilitating a Q & A with Michael Casey, Founder of Evergreen Infrastructure.

Q1 – What is Evergreen Infrastructure focused on in terms of sustainable urban development in Australia?

Evergreen Infrastructure, as an Australian organisation, holds a vision of transforming our cities into more sustainable environments by focusing on a fundamental reimagining. Our goal is to reduce excessive energy usage within urban landscapes and strive towards a more balanced, self-sufficient energy model. Understanding the heavy reliance on construction materials, our efforts are concentrated on repurposing existing resources to create environmentally-friendly and enriched living spaces. 

We recognise that the term “sustainable development” can sometimes sound contradictory because of the challenges and environmental impacts of urbanisation, however we emphasise the significance of ‘sustainable redevelopment’ and ‘reuse’ to foster an environmentally responsible landscape. 

Given recent concern regarding urban sprawl and its adverse impacts on economic, social, environmental, and cultural aspects, particularly medium-density living, we place heightened importance on creating greenspaces within built environments. Our approach aligns nicely with the global trend toward sustainable cities and the concept of a ‘circular economy’, where repurposing items instead of throwing them away becomes more critical than ever. Our work transforms the concept of “sustainable development” into “sustainable redevelopment,” creating enduring greenspaces that will thrive for years to come. 

Q2. What is green infrastructure?

Green infrastructure is a term used to describe an interconnected network consisting of natural or semi-natural features and spaces within urban settings, ultimately serving multiple roles encompassing environmental, social, and economic functions. The term has evolved significantly in recent years to encompass all urban and regional green spaces. It embraces a broad spectrum of urban features and practices designed to improve the sustainability, liveability, and resilience of urban and regional areas. This includes various green spaces such as streetscapes, parks, and gardens, alongside innovative solutions like green walls, green roofs, WSUD (water-sensitive urban design), and indoor plantscaping. By advocating the integration of nature within constructed environments, green infrastructure solutions play a pivotal role in redefining the way cities are designed and managed, with a focus on sustainability and quality of life.

Q3.  Why is green infrastructure important in the built environment?

Green infrastructure holds a paramount role in Australia’s built environment, enhancing the quality of its surroundings in multifaceted ways. By curbing pollution and effectively managing stormwater, it directly contributes to environmental improvement. This, in turn, bolsters local economies by escalating property value and reducing energy costs. Furthermore, green infrastructure promotes social well-being by offering recreational spaces; reducing stress, while elevating urban aesthetics. The significance of urban greening solutions becomes increasingly apparent in climate mitigation efforts. Focused on urban greenspaces, green walls, green roofs, and sustainable stormwater management, green infrastructure plays a critical role in the creation of more sustainable, liveable, and resilient Australian cities.

Q4.  Is the industry moving towards green infrastructure more generally? 

Green infrastructure is progressively gaining momentum, driven not only by architects and urban planners, but by the amplified demands of the general public seeking a more environmentally conscious living environment. In the design and architectural industries, there is a noticeable shift towards green infrastructure; however, this shift is not uniform across all sectors. Key stakeholders such as buyers, developers, and architects increasingly acknowledge the significance of sustainability in construction projects, manifesting a heightened focus on energy-efficient buildings, green design elements, and eco-friendly materials. However, the construction industry, particularly at the project management and site management levels, appears to be lagging behind. To accelerate the adoption of green infrastructure practices, there’s a vital need for more comprehensive education and awareness campaigns. It is imperative to empower project managers and site supervisors with an understanding of the environmental and economic advantages associated with ‘green’ construction. This effort will effectively align the construction industry with overarching sustainability objectives, enabling the creation of more eco-friendly and resilient built environments.

Q5. How important is collaborating with global suppliers of cutting-edge technologies to deliver results in green infrastructure in Australia?

Collaborating with global suppliers of cutting-edge technologies holds immense importance in driving green infrastructure development in Australia. These partnerships offer valuable insights into novel technologies, playing a pivotal role in fostering sustainable urban advancement. While these collaborations grant access to the latest innovations, it’s equally vital to emphasise Australia’s capability for innovation and adaptability. Australia has a unique climate and environmental context, making it necessary to adapt and fine-tune technologies to suit local conditions. Leveraging a strong foundation of skilled professionals and innovators, Australia not only adopts global technologies but also spearheads the development of innovative, region-specific solutions. This approach not only effectively addresses Australia’s specific needs but also positions the country as a global leader in green infrastructure, exporting its knowledge and solutions to other regions facing similar challenges. Collaborating with global suppliers complements Australia’s potential for innovation and leadership, strengthening its impact in the field of sustainable infrastructure.

Q6.  How can Evergreen Infrastructure get more industry players (architects, landscape architects and developers) involved in green infrastructure? 

We aim to engage more industry players, such as architects, landscape architects, and developers, in the realm of green infrastructure. Collaboration stands as the cornerstone of success in this field. The emphasis lies in educating and involving more professionals in the design process in order to enhance the overall effectiveness of our outcomes.

Encouraging greater industry participation starts with a strong focus on education and professional development. Evergreen Infrastructure plans to achieve this by partnering with educational institutions, integrating sustainability concepts into their curriculums, and providing comprehensive industry-specific training and certifications. Additionally, hosting events that facilitate knowledge-sharing, along with the introduction of awards and recognition programs, can serve as motivating factors for professionals to embrace green infrastructure practices.

The industry currently faces a shortage of professionals, given the escalating demands to design, install and maintain these assets. While our workforce is ready to impart training and welcome new talent, a crucial challenge persists. We need urban greening solutions integrated into all new developments, irrespective of their size or purpose. This approach, combined with education and training, stands as our primary avenue for progress in furthering green infrastructure within the industry.

Q7. How can publications, such as Eco Voice, play their part in promoting sustainability in your business sector?

Publications like Eco Voice play a pivotal role as catalysts for advancing sustainability. By highlighting the voices and insights of key figures and experts within the green infrastructure sector, Eco Voice provides an essential platform for progress. It carves out an invaluable space for sharing insights, fostering inspiration, and promoting collaborative efforts that drive positive change and advocate for the widespread adoption of sustainable approaches across various sectors.


First published in 2003, Eco Voice is your go-to publication for sustainability news in Australia. Eco Voice prides itself as an independent news platform with a clear focus on sustainability, with articles coming from a diverse range of contributors – all levels of government, corporations, not-for-profits, community groups, small to medium sized businesses, universities, research organisations, together with input from international sources. Eco Voice values community, conservation and commerce. Eco Voice is a media partner of the prestigious Australian Banksia Sustainability Awards – The Peak Sustainability Awards.


Evergreen Infrastructure is a leading Green Infrastructure and Nature-based Solutions firm that stands as a beacon of green ingenuity, playing a pivotal role in reshaping the urban landscape with sustainability at its core. Working alongside some of Melbourne’s best architects and landscape architects, Evergreen Infrastructure specialises in green infrastructure solutions for Australia’s urban and developed environments.  Since 2011, their work has been steeped in a commitment to respond to global environmental issues by reimagining more sustainable lifestyles through design and functionality. Their strong industry links within Australia, Singapore, and South East Asia more broadly, make them innovators in the marketplace.



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Eco Voice
First published in 2003, Eco Voice is your go-to publication for sustainability news in Australia. Eco Voice prides itself as an independent news platform with a clear focus on sustainability, with articles coming from a diverse range of contributors – all levels of government, corporations, not-for-profits, community groups, small to medium sized businesses, universities, research organisations, together with input from international sources. Eco Voice values community, conservation and commerce. Eco Voice is a media partner of the prestigious Australian Banksia Sustainability Awards – The Peak Sustainability Awards.