Compelling Ways to Assist You In Adapting Healthy Lifestyle


When you are being treated for an illness, a healthy diet, exercise, drinking water, managing stress, getting enough sleep, and avoiding environmental toxins helps with your chances of recovery. Treatment for any major illness requires lifestyle changes that help patients recover and rebuild their immune system. 

 Healthy Lifestyle

When you are treated for cancer with chemotherapy, targetted radiation therapy, or other methods healthy lifestyle changes help you to cope with symptoms and side effects. Below are several types of changes to consider. Always check with the doctor before trying anything new. 

Eat A Healthy Diet 

Before any treatments shop and stock your pantry and refrigerator with healthy foods. It is recommended to eat nutrient-dense meals as part of your diet. Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. Be sure to wash them well before consuming. 

Try to make vegetables, a large part of the meal. Eat greens, tomatoes, peppers, spinach, eggplant, cucumber, zucchini, green beans, sweet potatoes, potatoes, carrot, celery and onions. Prepare salads and soups ahead for when your energy is low. Use frozen vegetables and fruits when you cannot find fresh.

Stock up on berries, apples, pears, oranges, grapefruit, melons, pineapple, for snacks and desserts. Fruits and vegetables are high in fibre and help with digestion. Low-fat dairy products like yogurt, cheese, and milk provide calcium and other nutrients. When consumers have trouble digesting dairy soy, coconut, or almond milk can be substituted. Eat whole-grain bread, brown rice, and oatmeal. Try quinoa a   grain that is very high in protein. These grains are healthier that white flour and rice. Choose whole wheat, rye, barley, potato, sourdough, or gluten-free bread. 

Try to choose a protein that is low in fat. Lean meats, poultry, and seafood are good sources. Other good sources of protein are yogurt, beans, eggs, nuts, and seeds. Avoid too much sugar, salt, processed foods, and alcohol. Cook all foods well. 

Drink Plenty of Water and Liquids 

Drinking plenty of fluids during an illness is important to recover. Drink plenty of water, and if you do not like the taste add lemon, orange and sugar-free flavours. Drink tea, soups, and broths to keep yourself hydrated. It is recommended that patients drink 6 to 8 cups of healthy liquids daily. 

Exercise Regularly

Talk to your doctor about exercise during your treatment. Walking, doing housework, gardening, yoga, exercise, working out at the gym, swimming, or biking might be acceptable for short periods of time. Choose something that you enjoy and you will stick to it. Take the stairs, park a distance and walk to appointments. Try standing for short periods, when sitting for long periods of time. 

Manage Stress During Treatment

Learning to manage stress during illness. Don’t over-schedule activities or doctor appointments. Say no to extra tasks that you don’t have the energy for. Break down tasks into smaller tasks. Get help with insurance and finances before treatment. Find some activities that relax you like reading a book, gardening, yoga, meditation, biofeedback, deep breathing, or watching TV. 

Get Enough Sleep

Try to get about 7 or 8 hours of sleep every night. Turn off the TV and computer one hour before bed. Try reading, puzzles, or crafts before bed. Keep the bed for sleeping don’t read or do work there. Limit caffeine and alcohol. Indulge in some exercise to make you tired. Keep the room cool and the temperature cool. 

Avoid Environmental Contaminants 

Avoid toxic cleaning products and allergens in the home. Avoid smoking and chemicals used for gardening and lawn care. Try using environmentally safe cosmetics, cleaning products, hair care, linens, and housewares. These are some changes for a healthy lifestyle.

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