Help shape the 10 Year Vision for Culture and the Arts in WA

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WA Chamber of Arts and Culture

Ngala kaaditj Whadjuk Noongar moort keyen kaadak nidja boodja

We acknowledge the Whadjuk Noongar people as the original custodians of the land on which our office sits.

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) seeks input from Western Australia’s arts, culture, and creative industries to develop a 10 Year Vision for Arts and Culture in WA (10 Year Vision).

We encourage all Chamber members, partners and stakeholders to engage with the first consultation stage for the 10 Year Vision by completing the online survey.

The survey will be open until midnight on Tuesday 22 August 2023.

This survey is the beginning of a process to determine how best the WA government can support the growth of our state’s arts, culture, and creative industries over the next 10 years. This will start with a vision of where WA aims to be in 2033.

Please share this survey widely among your networks of those involved in WA’s arts, culture and creative industries.

The 10 Year Vision will update the Strategic Directions 2016-2031. Please read the 10 Year Vision Discussion Paper to find out more about achievements against the Strategic Directions 2016-2031 milestones, the consultation process for the 10 Year Vision, and the potential for the 10 Year Vision to draw on the framework of the National Cultural Policy: Revive: A place for every story, and a story for every place

If you have any questions about the survey or to register your interest in further consultation to contribute to the 10 Year Vision, please email:

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