Hidden Benefits of Hiring a Personal Stylist

Wardrobe Stylist Melbourne 640
Wardrobe Stylist Melbourne 640

How many times have you opened the wardrobe and groaned due to the uninspiring choices that hang before you?

Do you seldom feel as if potential suitors do not regard you? Or maybe you want to look more polished and professional at work?

If you recognise these feelings, then you could benefit from the talent, expertise and specialist knowledge of a professional personal stylist.

Professor Karen J. Pine, of the University of Hertfordshire writes in her book Mind What You Wear: The Psychology of Fashion “When we put on a piece of clothing we cannot help but adopt some of the characteristics associated with it, even if we are unaware of it.”

Personal stylists have been helping entertainers from stage and screen for decades. Actors, actresses, Pop-stars and high-profile society people have all benefited from the advice and guidance of a professional. They will help their clients to develop a strong personal style statement using their wardrobe choices.hidden benefits of hiring a personal stylist

Personal Styling Boosting the Economy

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the USA more than 56,000 people claimed Personal Styling as their occupation in 2014.

Leading Australian personal stylist Cindy Newstead, began the industry in Australia 16 years ago. In this time she has seen the industry triple in size. With new stylists entering the market every week.

Today, you do not need to be a celebrity or high profile individual to enjoy the benefits of this type of professional service. With the immediate availability of many varying personal stylists within Australia anyone can take advantage of a wardrobe re-vamped. It’s no-longer a luxury for the elite.

Adapting Style to Body Shape Change

It’s a fact of life, we are in constant change. Unfortunately we are all growing old and as each year passes by our bodies gradually find it harder and harder to loose those extra kilos. Adapting your fashion style to your age and weight changes is necessary. Clothes are designed to fit a certain size and match an age and personality.  hidden benefits of hiring a personal stylist

Personal stylists are perfect for those people who are going through great change. This service is used by many people who have had success on a diet and lost lots of weight.

Dropping several dress sizes and suddenly needing much smaller clothes can be a shock for many people. And sometimes, if they have been overweight for years, it can be difficult to figure out what styles would suit. By hiring the services of a professional assistant, they will be able to get bespoke help and advice about fashion choices for the shape, size, and colouring.

Bespoke Styling Guided by Personality

A stylist will spend time with you asking probing questions to establish your likes, dislikes, and your budget. Many will do a colour analysis to develop a colour palette from which to choose and build your new wardrobe.

This type of service often includes make-overs which include personalised makeup tips, with guidance on foundation colours, powder and lipstick to suit your complexion. Every minor detail will be taken care of, from your hairstyle right down to the shoes on your feet.

Improved Style Makes Improved Mind-Set

Rheyanne Weaver from GoodTherapy.org says, “According to a recent news release, one study has shown that women who are depressed or sad are more likely to wear baggy tops, jeans, and a sweatshirt or jumper. Women who are happy or positive are more likely to wear a favourite dress, jewellery, and jeans. These clothing choices seem to mean that women who are feeling down put less effort into what they’re wearing, and women who are in a good mood tend to try and look nicer to match their mood”.

The personal pampering and attention to your beauty lifts your spirit and provides a greater sense of self. Mastering a look that highlights your personality strong points and reflects a comfortably sense of self is life changing.

Professor Karen Pine states “The strong link between clothing and mood state suggests we should put on clothes that we associate with happiness, even when feeling low,”.

Who Should Consider a Personal Stylist?

So, what types of people use these services today? Everyone does! Men and women, of all ages, anyone at all can choose this type of service. Whoever feels the need to improve their style and develop their unique fashion statement, can hire a professional to help them. Brides, bridesmaids, professional business people, busy mums, businessmen. And entrepreneurs. Anyone can use this service, and everyone can benefit from it!

If you need to revamp your wardrobe, improve your look and develop your fashion style, then you should consider the inspiring services of a professional personal styling. Find a stylist with excellent reputation with recommendations from previous clients. You’ll probably have an initial consultation, where you can both ask questions to decide whether this will be a good match.

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