How To Change The Look And Feel Of Your Living Room

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The living room is the epicenter of the house. It is the place we chill, hang out with our family, and watch the TV. It is the most comfortable and coziest corner of our home. The living room or the lounge is also often the first room we enter into when we arrive at our home. Accordingly, the living room should have a welcoming, hospitable vibe attached to it.

If you are looking into renovating your living room, then you have come to the right place. We are going to spill some excellent and creative ideas for you to change the look and feel of your drawing room.

Laminate the Floors

One creative way to change the outlook of your living room is to get laminate flooring Sydney apartments have mostly. The trend of laminated flooring recently experienced a hike because of some obvious reasons. Laminate flooring, or also known as floating wood tile, is an artificial flooring product. It replicates the appearance of wood or even stone due to a photographic layer under a transparent shielding sheet.

It gained significant popularity because of its easy DIY feature, and because laminate flooring is effortless to maintain and manage than hardwood floorboards. Laminate flooring is effortless to install; hence, it requires fewer skills to set it up. You can get yourself some laminate flooring and install them yourselves. They are also quite inexpensive.

Laminate flooring will provide your living room an instant boost in style. It will make your lounge look ultra-chic and elegant.

Enhance the Lighting

If you have already not worked on this, then let us tell you the importance of appropriate lighting. The living room is the central portion of the house. It is the part of the house that sets the whole mood and vibe of the house. It is that corner of the house where the family reunites at the end of the day and spends most of the time. Therefore, the living room must provide the right ambiance.

A dull, dimly lit living room will turn you into a gloomy, sad person. It is a fact that the sun makes us cheerful, and the dark, cloudy days make us unhappy. It is human nature. Making sure, the right amount of lighting shows inside the lounge, either artificial or natural, is quite vital.

You can add some thin window blinds to let in some extra sunlight. Sunrays are extremely good for your health too as they provide your body with vitamin D. On the other hand, you could add in some further artificial lights through fixing ceiling pendant or flush lights into the living room. Adding in a classy and stylish floor lamp in one corner of the living room will also give your boring lounge some trendy to change the look and feel of your living room

Change the Color Theme

The color theme is the soul of every room. It provides the base according to which you add in all the other items such as the sofa set, cushions, curtains, etc. If you already have a dark-color themed living room, try to get yourself a lighter, pastel-colored theme. Giving the lounge, a color theme revamp is the most effective and significant transformations you can do.

To give your lounge a more artistic look, add a burst of color through placing a spunky piece of bold-colored furniture item in a light-colored living room. An example of this would be putting a bright yellow armchair in an ash grey themed living room.

Playing with colors will give you an array of options and creative venues to revamp and restyle your living room. Plan your lounge transformation on a mood board, as this would provide your refurnishing project direction and focus. It will also help you mix and match colors and patterns and see the best suiting combinations.

Carpets and Rugs

In our enthusiasm to revamp any room, we often forget how decorating the floor can change the outlook of any space. Adding traditional, funky patterned carpets and rugs can provide your living room an instant new appearance. You can either plan to get the entire floor carpeted wall to wall or throw a fluffy, small rug right in the center of the lounge.

Nowadays, rugs come in different trendy styles and patterns. Pick the one that goes with your living room theme and see the entire outlook of the room completely to change the look and feel of your living room

Rearrange the Furniture

Switching up the placement of your furniture has to be the most basic and cheapest method of overhauling your living room appearance. It would not cost you a penny but give your lounge a completely different outlook.

The living room is often the spot where the entire family watches TV. The placement of the whole furniture inside the lounge is around one focal point, i.e., the television. Switching up the place of the TV and all the other furniture will give an instant refurbished look to your lounge.

Design a Gallery Wall

Gallery walls are a set of frames, and other artifacts such as photo frames with your favorite quotes or pictures, antique clocks, name initials made carved out of wood, etc. It could be anything you relate to or would love seeing on your living room wall. Often people make out a gallery wall with their favorite motivational quotes placed inside photo frames.

A gallery wall is an excellent way to decorate a boring or unused wall. It will add class and style to your living room since the gallery wall looks uber-chic and stylish. Building a gallery wall is also super easy. You will not need any expert skills or talents. Just pull out some gallery wall inspirations from Pinterest, select the ones you find best, and get going. It will, in turn, provide you with a fantastic DIY project opportunity to complete with your family or friends.

Giving your living room a classy renovation is not a tough job. You will need to pool in some creative ideas, mix and match them with your selected theme, and voila, an amazing and cozy living room is arranged for your nestling!

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