How to Choose the Right Solar Panel Installer

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Solar panels and installation can cost you thousands of dollars. If the job is done well, the product can last for years. However, if you choose to have your solar panels installed by a person or company who does a poor job, you may have to pay even more to have the job corrected. Before you commit to an installer, consider the following questions.

Is the Installer Knowledgeable?

Before you interview a potential solar installer, make a list of questions you want to be answered about the installation process. For instance, you could ask which types of materials are being used. You could also ask what your options are in terms of which panels are best for your home. If the installer is unable to answer questions, this is not a good sign. An installer should also be able to talk to you about previous installation jobs and offer to show you examples and various panel models.

Which Types of Warranties Are Offered?

how to choose the right solar panel installer

You should be eligible for various warranties. For starters, the performance warranty guarantees that a functioning, undamaged panel will produce 80% or more of its claimed power rating for up to twenty-five years. In most cases, this warranty also promises that the panel will lose only a small amount of power each year. Your solar panel should have a 25-year performance warranty. Therefore, most solar systems last at least twenty-five years.

The twenty-five-year warranty gives you some peace of mind. However, if you’re taking a gamble on a new installer with no prior track record, there’s no guarantee the business will be running in twenty-five years. If the business fails before then, there will be no one to honor the warranty.

You should also consider other warranties. For instance, the installer should offer you a warranty on workmanship. The wiring, mounting racks, and connections should be included in the warranty. In most cases, the workmanship warranty is only for 1 to 2 years. However, if you can negotiate for a lengthier warranty, then that is always best.

Is the Installer or Business CEC Accredited?

Many homeowners are able to save on the cost of their solar panels with small-scale technology certificates (STCs). However, to qualify for these savings, you must have your solar panel system installed by a person or company that is accredited by the Clean Energy Council (CEC). So, before you hire an installer, inquire about CEC accreditation. The CEC accredits only installers and systems that meet certain quality standards. An accreditation with CEC is a good sign you’ve found a quality installer.

Does the Installer Have a Good Reputation?

how to choose the right solar panel installer

You should consider whether or not the installer has prior experience. Ask how many years the installer has worked in the business. You could also look at customer reviews online. If you find a lot of complaints about an installer or company and they haven’t been in the business for very long, then the odds are that you should look elsewhere for an installer.

So, before you agree to hire an installer, sit down with each potential candidate and ask about warranties and CEC accreditation. Do some internet research on any companies or installers you’re considering hiring. Paying attention to these details can increase your chances of hiring a good installer.

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