How To Keep Your Home Termite Free

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Protect Your Properties From Termites

A termite colony in a home can cause widespread damage by feeding on carpets, clothing, furniture and internal structures such as posts, wall studs and beams. The longer the insects go undetected, the more damage they cause. Drywood termites excavate large sections of wood by chewing in a pattern either with or against the grain. They often consume most of the wood right up to the surface. Subterranean termites spread out from colonies in the ground and tunnel their way through wood, eating along the grain without creating any external sign of damage.

In severe cases, the tiny creatures can make a home unliveable and may eventually cause it to collapse.

Your home may present an attractive proposition to termites for the following reasons:

Wood – this is their main source of food. Termites are attracted to old logs, tree stumps, wood piles and more.

Water – termites need water for hydration and to digest cellulose.

Humidity – termites have thin layers of skin and would dry out very quickly if it wasn´t for humidity.

A Sydney pest control company once said that your property may have everything a termite needs to survive and thrive but an insect attack isn’t inevitable. There’s a lot you can do to keep the pests at bay. Here are a few simple and effective tips to make your home less attractive to the wood-munching insects.

  1. Eliminate standing water and fix water leaks

Termites need water to survive, so if they can find a consistent source, they are more likely to settle in and make themselves home in your home. Standing pools of water and leaks are open invitations to termites.

So, make sure there are no pools of water next to your home and fix any leaks. Keep gutters free of debris so rainwater drains completely.

how to keep your home termite free

  1. Remove old tree stumps from your yard/garden

A tree stump presents termites with a delicious food source. Make your home less attractive to the tiny creatures by removing any stumps, thereby stopping a problem before it´s had the chance to start.

  1. Seal cracks and holes

Termites can easily enter homes through tiny cracks and small openings in walls. Inspect your home thoroughly, and if you see any gaps, seal them immediately. Find and fill any cracks and holes. Termites are unable to eat through caulk or establish a colony in fine sand. Filling holes in the walls with either of these materials will help keep termites at bay.

  1. Don´t leave loose timber stacked against your home

It´s a common practice to place woodpiles against exterior walls. Doing so is extremely risky because it makes it easy for termites to gain access.

  1. Avoid using mulch for landscape

Mulch is a big problem because it offers termites a place they can call home. If mulch is a must-have for your garden, consider rubber mulch or low- or no-cellulose ground covers such as rocks, gravel and pine straw. Although you can purchase chemically treated wood mulch that is less appealing to termites, the chemicals can break down over time and leach into the soil.

  1. Get a regular termite inspection

A regular, annual inspection can spot signs of infestation as early as possible before they can do significant damage.

Typical Termite Control Costs

Comprehensive termite inspections to cost around $250 to $350 depending on where the property is located, construction style, and ease of access to the interior and exterior areas.

Termite treatment costs for an average-sized home are between $2,000 and $5,000. Prices vary widely depending on numerous factors such as property size, the extent of the infestation and the types of chemicals used. Remember, left untreated, a termite infestation will cost a lot more than the price to remove the problem and stop it from reoccurring.

Final Thoughts

Termites are a fact of life. They’re durable, hardy and have been around for millions of years. The pesky critters are the great survivors who continue to thrive by feeding on dead trees, plant debris and other sources of cellulose. They’re invaluable to nature but not to our homes and quality of life. With regular termite inspections and knowing how to protect our properties we can prevent them from wreaking havoc and destruction.

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