How To Take Care Of Your Lawn During Winter

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Winter is when many people tend to take their lawn for granted, especially since it’s covered in snow and temperatures are much colder. Unfortunately, this isn’t the time to sit back and forget about your lawn.

While your lawn may not require as much care as it does in fall, summer, or spring, you might not want to ignore your lawn completely. This won’t only save yourself some trouble when the spring season returns, but you can also be assured that your lawn will stay healthy.

Below are some of the ways to take care of your lawn during winter:

  1. Prune The Shrubs And Trees

For some reason, winter is a good time to prune your shrubs and trees. It’s also wise to opt for services like Tree Removal Sydney and others if your trees pose a threat to your home. During the winter, branches are more visible without their foliage in the way. The tree’s structure is seen more distinctively, so diseased or dead branches are much easier to spot and remove.

Another benefit of pruning in the winter is it protects your trees from diseases. Any cut into your trees is like a cut into the human skin, which can be an opening for infection. But since most microbes and pests are dormant in the winter, they’re less likely to infect the trees.

Nevertheless, it’s essential to note that trimming in the winter isn’t recommended for all trees. For instance, trees that bloom in the spring, including lilac, shouldn’t be trimmed in the winter. The bloom buds are set on the branches already, and trimming may affect how the tree blooms.

  1. Fertilize Your Lawn

You might not realize it, but winter is a good time to fertilize your lawn. As a matter of fact, it’s the most crucial treatment to achieve the gorgeous lawn you’ve always dreamed of. When the weather gets colder, your lawn’s blades may start to grow slowly and eventually become dormant. However, the roots continue to grow as fall leaves drop.

Remember that proper root development is what will give you a green, thick, and healthy lawn in the spring. An excellent way to ensure good root development is a winterizing treatment. When looking for the best fertilizing treatments or you want to know more about winter fertilization, don’t hesitate to reach out to professionals. You can be sure that they’re more knowledgeable about your unique lawn care needs during the winter.

  1. Aerate Your Lawn

When taking care of your lawn in the winter, never forget to aerate your lawn to provide extra air for the grassroots. Use your spade to remove the spikes of soil in your lawn to make a hole for planting seeds. If your lawn is big, you might like to rent a motorized aerator.

  1. Avoid Too Much Lawn Traffic

When your grass is short and brown, it can be easy for some people to forget it shouldn’t be walked on. So, try to avoid excessive traffic on your winter lawn. Grass can be resilient, but it’ll have a tough time recovering if the path becomes well-worn across the lawn.

There are some ways to avoid traffic on your lawn, and these include the following:

  • Don’t let anyone park a car or truck on your lawn. Even a small vehicle may affect the soil and kill off your grass. Using your lawn as a parking lot is the quickest way to kill your healthy grass, making room for weeds. If you don’t want that to happen, park your car wisely.
  • Keep your sidewalk cleared of snow and ice so you and your guests won’t be tempted to cut across the yard often.

  1. Alter Your Usual Irrigation Pattern

You’re likely to get more natural rainfall during the winter. Therefore, avoid over-irrigating your lawn during this season. If possible, adjust your automatic sprinklers and make sure to water in the morning to prevent fungal growth.

  1. Keep Your Lawn Clean

When winterizing your lawn, it’s also crucial to keep it clean. If there are leaves that piled up from the fall, remove them as they may suffocate your lawn during the winter.

If the leaves become wet, they may also cause disease in your lawn. The best way to avoid this is to use your lawn mower to mulch the leaver into small pieces, which can recycle the nutrients back into your lawn.

  1. Mow Higher And Less Often

When the winter season sets in, you’ll notice that your grass grows slower. During this time, it’s recommended to increase the mowing height to avoid damaging the grass that may lead to browning and scalping.

Repeated scalping can weaken the grass and leave it vulnerable to the onslaught of weeds and diseases. Also, instead of mowing every week, consider mowing once every month, depending on the kind of lawn you have.


Winter may often be unpredictable, putting your lawn through extreme conditions throughout the season. The best thing you can do is follow the above steps to ensure that your lawn is protected and healthy in the winter. Also, make sure to monitor the weather conditions. It’s worthwhile to chip away little-exposed ice in low spots if you know a deep freeze or winter storm is approaching.


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