‘IN THE BEGINNING’ – Live At MEMO Music Hall

the beginning n rowe web x
the beginning n rowe web x

Normie Rowe, Bobby Bright and Marcie Jones joined forces and collaborated on producing this vibrant, high energy show which entertained and definitely excited the audience.

Marcie with her beautiful, amazingly strong voice performed a great variety of numbers i.e. uplifting, moving, deep feeling and one she had written for the Vietnam Veterans which brought a tear to the eye.  The audience loved her.

Bobby was fabulous with such a smooth feel and a lot of class, which is outstanding in the iconic “Hitchhiker”.  Normie joined him for a couple of Bobby and Laurie numbers, which went down well.   Bobby also performed a great song from his latest recorded album.  Of course, the audience loved him too.

Normie’s turn and the place went crazy with noise, whistling etc.   Better than ever with a voice developed over time and fully energised, his performance was fantastic as was the band.

Some audience participation with “Que Sera Sera” and the MEMO Music Hall was definitely “SHAKING ALL OVER“. 

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