The ancient adage “you are what you eat” may not be too far off the mark. The nutritional content of what we put into our bodies has a meaningful impact on our overall health. “Adequate health is vital for nutritional well-being because good nutrition is critical for preserving good health,” according to the World Health Organization. A nutritious diet can help protect us against noncommunicable illnesses including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer, but a poor diet can have the reverse effect.
Healthy eating habits are best begun at a young age, although they are helpful at any age. Today’s convenience foods are incredibly enticing, but they may not be the greatest options for our health. When making meal choices, we must evaluate both the nutritional and non-nutritional worth of the calories we consume. We all require food for energy, yet that energy (calories) often surpasses what we require. We’ve all had days when we needed an afternoon pick-me-up. We pick up a sweet food and feel terrific until our body detects the energy imbalance, leaving us needing more.
The key to a well-balanced diet, such as a vegetarian keto diet, is to avoid eating too much of one substance, such as salt, sugar, or fat. We are constantly assaulted with the next culinary craze or fashionable ingredient, and we lose sight of the need of balance. We may all get some short-term benefits from energy balance, such as circadian rhythms, GI health, and maintaining a healthy weight, which will carry over to long-term benefits.
When we consider modifying our eating habits, we frequently focus on things we should exclude rather than ones we should add. By introducing more nutritious items into our diet, we may reduce our intake of non-nutritional foods, commonly known as “empty calories,” without feeling deprived.
It takes time to form any habit, and it is best accomplished by preparing meals and snacks and having them easily available. Reduce saturated fat to 10% of calories, trans fat to 1%, salt to fewer than 5 grams, sugar to less than 10%, and total fat to less than 30% in a well-balanced diet. This may appear hard owing to the time required to determine the balance of calories vs nutritional demands, but it may be simplified.
Most processed, pre-packaged meals and snacks immediately exceed daily trans, saturated, and total fat, salt, and sugar requirements. Sports drinks, pasta, breads, flavored water, and condiments like sauces are heavy in sugar and salt. Good eating habits may start with buying fresh fruits and vegetables, lean cuts of meat, and include fish and legumes in your diet. White bread for whole grain bread, skim milk, olive oil instead of cooking oil, baking instead of frying, and restricting alcohol consumption are all good places to start.
According to the Harvard Nutrition Source, you should make vegetables and fruits the majority of your meal, accounting for 12 of your plate. Whole grains such as oats, brown rice, barley, and wheat should account for 14 percent of your plate. Fish, poultry, beans, nuts, and lean meats are high in protein. 14 of your plate Trans fats are not found in healthy plant oils including olive, canola, soy, sunflower, and peanut when used in moderation. Dairy products should be limited to no more than two servings per day. Drink lots of fluids and keep alcohol consumption to a minimum.
What’s the link between diet and disease?
As a society, we are dealing with serious health issues.
The United States ranks tenth among industrialized countries in terms of life expectancy. We have a workforce that is plagued by absenteeism and decreased productivity as a result of chronic health issues, including depression. Chronic illness treatment accounts for 78% of healthcare spending.
Many studies now feel that these issues are partially caused by nutrition. While scientists used to assume that diseases like type II diabetes, obesity, heart disease, stroke, and certain malignancies were caused by a single gene mutation, they now believe that these ailments are caused by a network of cellular malfunction. And the food we eat plays a role in this dysfunction, in part because our diets lack the critical nutritional balance (Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 2004).
According to the Nutrition Society, Europe’s biggest nutritional organization, in order to avoid the emergence of chronic diseases, we need to understand how different nutrients in a diet interact and impact the human body’s functioning. Functional Medicine is a dynamic approach to using nutrition to assess, prevent, and cure complex and chronic illnesses. This branch of medicine also undertakes study on the effect of diet in health.
Joanna Webb
I’m Joanna, a nutritionist with 6 years of experience working in the field. I’ve dedicated my professional life to helping people live healthier and happier lives.