Latest eNews: Inside rehearsals with THE JONESES l Final Days of RULES FOR LIVING

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The JONESES are moving in…

Take a peek inside the rehearsal room, as our gifted cast and creative team build the delicate world of The Realistic Joneses, an existential comedy about mortality and love that asks big questions in the most surprising of ways.

latest enews: inside rehearsals with the joneses l final days of rules for living

Guest actor Neil Pigot as Bob Jones.

latest enews: inside rehearsals with the joneses l final days of rules for living

Ensemble actor Sarah Sutherland plays Jennifer Jones.

latest enews: inside rehearsals with the joneses l final days of rules for living

Ella Caldwell and guest actor Justin Hosking as Pony and John Jones.

latest enews: inside rehearsals with the joneses l final days of rules for living

Julian Meyrick directs.

latest enews: inside rehearsals with the joneses l final days of rules for living

latest enews: inside rehearsals with the joneses l final days of rules for living

latest enews: inside rehearsals with the joneses l final days of rules for living

Photos by Christina O’Neill.

latest enews: inside rehearsals with the joneses l final days of rules for living

Closing soon

by Sam Holcroft

Trailer by Alex Zemtzov.

“Thigh-slappingly funny…a wonderfully strong ensemble…thrillingly dark.”
The Australian

Must close on April 16th.

The season is almost sold out – so grab the last few tickets and book now!

latest enews: inside rehearsals with the joneses l final days of rules for living

Red Stitch at the Green Room Awards

Congratulations to ensemble actor, Rory Kelly
for his win at the Green Room Awards last week!

Rory took out the Theatre Companies Award for Best Male Performer. We are so proud of him and his phenomenal work on Trevor.

We’d also like to extend our congratulations to Ensemble actor, Andrea Swifte and guest artists Belinda McClory, Christopher de Groot and Chloe Greeves on their nominations for their work on Red Stitch productions. We’re so happy to have the work of our brilliant artists recognised.




latest enews: inside rehearsals with the joneses l final days of rules for living

Sundays with Kindred

Thank you to our wonderful Kindred members for
joining us for another delightful afternoon tea and a special insight into the rehearsal process of The Realistic Joneses.

If you’d like to know more about the program or join
our special Kindred
family, click here.

latest enews: inside rehearsals with the joneses l final days of rules for living


Did you catch Q & A last week? If so, you would’ve seen Ensemble actor, Eva Seymour singing with her dad, Mark Seymour (Hunters and Collectors)! Click on the video below to hear the beautifully powerful song, ‘Master of Spin”.

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