This is Part 1 of a 3-part program featuring the Life & Times story of Angela Rose. Born in 1938, Angela sets the scene of her life’s story by sharing her early memories of what it was like living in East Camberwell, a leafy inner suburb of Melbourne.
As the 3-parts of her story are revealed, you will come to realise, as I did, that this is the story of a remarkable woman.
Angela’s ability to clearly recall events of her early years provides us with a wonderful snapshot of what life was like in that period. For Angela, it was a warm and comfortable middle-class upbringing, while not being one of privilege.
She paints a picture of a graceful period and through her story envelopes us in that grace with her stories and her style of story telling. She developed a lifelong love for horses and she experienced the call of God. What is amazing is, how Angela manages to balance her religious life with a secular one.
Click to hear – Angela Rose: Part 1Previous Listen To Older Voices Programs can be found in our archive, by clicking on one link or the other
[Listen To Older Voices receives funding from the Commonwealth Government
through the Commonwealth Home Support Program Program]