Listen To Older Voices: Jack Levi – Part 2

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listen to older voices: jack levi – part 2
Jack Levi – [CLICK to enlarge}

This is Part 2 of a 3-part program featuring the Life and Times story of Jack Levi



In Part 1 we learned that Jack was born in 1950 to parents who immigrated to Australia from Egypt, in the late 1940’s.  A very studious boy, Jack studied hard and eventually attended Melbourne University where he graduated as a computer. programmer

He commenced working in that field during the 1970’s before discovering his love for comedy, and using his natural deadpan approach he developed a comedic persona that would take him on a wonderful journey through the world of comedy, live and on TV, that continues through until today.

In this program Jack reveals who that alter-ego is, that of the straight-faced and very popular, Elliot Goblet.

Jack talks about his initial success on an early “Daryl Somers Show” which led to regular performances on “Hey Hey It’s Saturday”.

listen to older voices: jack levi – part 2
Daryl Somers, “Elliot” and Ozzie – [CLICK to enlarge]


Jack gets great pleasure from his work as a comedian and he shares with us, his extensive experiences in both Australia and overseas and we share some audio clips of his performances as Elliot Goblet. Jack also reveals that while there is great pleasure and reward in what he does, there are also great difficulties at various times and he shares some of those stories with us.

listen to older voices: jack levi – part 2
[CLICK to enlarge]


What quite clearly comes through during our talk is Jack’s vibrance and his love for life. He has worked over many decades now and continues to do so with no thoughts of retiring, which exemplifies him as a high profile person promoting Positive Ageing.

Click to hear – Jack Levi – Part 2

Previous Listen To Older Voices Programs can be found in our archive, by clicking on one link or the other

2012 to 2016   

 –  2016 onward 

[Listen To Older Voices receives funding from the Commonwealth Government 
through the Commonwealth Home Support Program Program]



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