Listen To Older Voices: Rob Greaves – Part 3

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Welcome to Listen To Older Voices, a program produced by Rob Greaves and podcast through the Toorak Times and Tagg

Circa 1990 working at the ACTU – [CLICK to enlarge]

I’m Rob Greaves and it has been my pleasure to host LTOV for an 18-year period, and now as the program comes to an end, I thought I’d share some of my story.

There is some of my “dark years” in this program as I talk about how my friend David introduced me to a friend of his, Charles, who on learning I had been an industrial chemist took an interest in me for the possibility of some quite illegal activities.

I share the story of being a taxi driver and then on buying a van, how I became a taxi-truck driver. This leads me into a story of how this led to heading up north to the small Qld town of Cooroy, where I lived in a house in the middle of a state forest with no power or running water.

Circa 1983: Cooroy Qld – [CLICK to enlarge

My story then moves to how my friends and myself were set up by a notorious local Queensland detective, who some would claim was corrupt, and how we fronted a kangaroo court and ended up being run out of the state. But the story doesn’t end there when I was visited in Melbourne by some detectives – you see someone set a bomb in a cupboard for that detective to find, but sadly it ended up killing a child.

Newspaper clip referring to the bombing. – [CLICK to enlarge]

My story wouldn’t be complete without mentioning June, the wonderful woman I married in 1977, and to whom i am still married today.

June and I on our wedding day [CLICK to enlarge]

Music plays a large part of my life and in this part of my story and I share many stories of the ‘Lectric Loo recording studio my music partner, David,  set up in Sydney. I talk about our first vinyl Lp release and how one of the tracks on it won a prize in an International Electronic music competition. 

listen to older voices: rob greaves – part 3Part of my musical equipment in the ‘Lectric Loo studio: 1978 – [CLICK to enlarge]

Then I speak of meeting and joining forces with the late and great Aussie magician – Geoff Crozier and of the show we formed together in the early 1980’s.

On stage at the Billboard venue in Melbourne: 1980: L to R Mick Buckingham, myself, David labuschagne and Geof Krozier– [CLICK to enlarge]

Previous Listen To Older Voices Programs can be found in our archive

[Listen To Older Voices receives funding from the Commonwealth Government 
through the Commonwealth Home Support Program Program]
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