Listen To Older Voices : Rod Young – Part 1

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Listen To Older Voices : Rod Young – Part 1 Welcome to Listen To Older Voices, a program produced by 
Rob Greaves for Uniting Melba and podcast through the 
Toorak Times and Tagg.

Listen To Older Voices presents the stories, views and opinions of our older citizens. It is predominantly in a life & times format, with interviewees reflecting upon their lives from earliest memories. An underlying principle of the program is to promote the concept of positive ageing, reinforcing the principle that older people have & continue to make a valuable contribution to both their local & wider community.

This is the first part of a 2-part Golden Moment repeat program featuring the Life & Times of Rod Young. When the program was first aired in November 2008 Rod was 70 years of age. The program commences with Rod recalling his early life, a life without his father who was away fighting in WWII, and a time when everything was rationed. Rod recalls how street football was all the craze and how two of his friends were snapped up by the North Melbourne football club in what was then the VFL, while Rod, he was taken by Collingwood.

By the time Rod was old enough to consider a working life his father had returned and Rod takes up an apprenticeship under his father in building, the trade his father had followed. But this lead eventually to Rod expanding his career and he took up drafting. Rod is required to take up what was called the 98 day national service but ends up spending seven years.


Click to hear Rod Young – Part 1

Previous LTOV Programs can be accessed clicking on this icon – Listen To Older Voices : Rod Young – Part 1
Listen To Older Voices : Rod Young – Part 1


[Listen To Older Voices receives funding from the Commonwealth Government through the Commonwealth Home Support Program Program]

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