Murray Industrial Hemp DJI 0573s 1024x482 1
Murray Industrial Hemp DJI 0573s 1024x482 1


Murray Industrial Hemp, a new venture set to revolutionise the Barham region, is announcing its plans to establish a sustainable hemp building materials manufacturing facility.

The project promises numerous benefits for the community, including diversified crop options for farmers, improved water usage, and the creation of 15-plus new jobs.

“This is more than just a manufacturing project; it’s about revitalising the Barham region,” says Joe D’Alo, owner of The Hemp Building Company and a key partner in Murray Industrial Hemp.

“Hemp offers a lucrative rotational crop for farmers, uses significantly less water than traditional crops, and opens the door to a whole new industry right here in Barham.”

Murray Industrial Hemp’s commitment to sustainability extends beyond the farming stage. The company looks to manufacture hemp-based blocks and panels, offering a superior alternative to conventional building materials due to their carbon-storing properties, energy efficiency, superior thermal and acoustic insulation and minimal environmental footprint. Making the Murray Industrial Hemp Building Materials an exceptional choice for energy-efficient homes.

Joe D’Alo – Director-Manager of The Hemp Building Company.

“We believe industrial hemp holds the key to transforming how Australia builds,” says Joe D’Alo.

“Our goal is to assist mainstream builders, enabling them to seamlessly integrate hemp building products into their standard processes. The building process doesn’t change with hemp blocks and hemp panels.”

The company aims to offer the Australian construction industry a greener option, providing materials that benefit homeowners, while achieving the new 7-star Building Standards required for newly built homes.

“We envision a future where Barham is known as a hub for sustainable manufacturing and eco-conscious construction,” says D’Alo,

“Murray Industrial Hemp is dedicated to leading that transformation, bringing both economic and environmental benefits to the Barham community.”

“With community support, Murray Industrial Hemp is ready to start manufacturing Australian-made hemp blocks within two years,” finished D’Alo.

Murray Industrial Hemp will be hosting an Investor Information Session on Tuesday April 2nd, 7pm – 9pm, at cluBarham’s Loddon Room (6-8 Niemur Street, Barham). Community members, potential investors, and interested farmers are encouraged to attend and learn more about this exciting project.

The Investor Information Session presented by Joe D’Alo will offer attendees:

• In-depth presentations on hemp’s potential in the construction market

• Market analysis and projected growth forecasts

• Facility and manufacturing plans

• Q&A session with the Murray Industrial Hemp team.

About Murray Industrial Hemp. 

Murray Industrial Hemp is a vertically integrated company dedicated to supplying and manufacturing hemp building materials, with a strong focus on design and consultancy. Based in Barham, New South Wales, the company leverages local resources and expertise to foster sustainable economic growth and champion environmentally sound construction practices within Australia.

About Joe D’Alo – Director-Manager of The Hemp Building Company.

Over 20 years as a Registered Builder, and 14+ years focused on energy-efficient building design and construction. Diploma in Electrotechnology / Diploma in Energy Efficient Building Design. Consultant, Educator, Designer and Builder.


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