Our Great Artesian Basin IS NOT a Dump!

Great Artesian Basin
Great Artesian Basin

Net Zero Is Not At Any Cost

I am stunned that a Federal Labor Government could consider using our most significant source of underground water, the Great Artesian Basin, for carbon capture injection methods as a reasonable way to try to amend the many decades of the last industrial revolution’s uncontrolled carbon releases that are theorised as the main cause of global warming.

Through carbon-14 and chlorine-36 measurements, it is known that the water in this sandstone aquifer created throughout three different geological ages (read dinosaur times) ranges from up to 2,000 years for the ‘newest’ inflows and up to two million years old for the further reaches of its containment.

It lies under 3 states and the Northern Territory, Queensland covers the majority of it and it is a life source of water that has nurtured the farming communities and some desert areas up north. Bore water is subsistence water in a harsh land, we have already abused the shit out of that resource and now the communities relying on that resource are reasonably freaked out about pumping industrial waste into this very ancient space.

The idea almost makes fracking seem reasonable, lol, these fiduciary-driven values are designed to allow corporations to gain ‘Carbon Credits’, and it seems fair to them that they could be destroying our continent’s ancient health, or even arguable if either of these ludicrous ideas can offer a chance that groundwater on this island continent could be polluted.

“We” have already fucked up the oceans on this planet, from using our rivers for effluent disposal (read shit and piss) and industrial waste, the tragic litter we leave around our streets that finds their way into the oceans, let alone the base criminal activity of corporations dumping all sorts of waste, and other ecological time bombs lying on the oceans floors in sunken vessels etc…and, um, oil drilling…hmmm.

And now our government is considering using this natural wonder created during the TriassicJurassic, and early Cretaceous periods, abused, but safe under 1/5th of our continent.

Did I mention microplastics and the tragic death of many marine beings from actually swallowing this shit?

Marine Turtle Plastic TONTOTON

Image Source

Other artesian water sources should also be protected whilst Labor is shaping legislation to protect these unique global underground water sources that have been the key to opening up many regions we inhabit.


“We” have the commitment to achieve Net Zero by 2050 and Australia has a net 2030 emissions target of a 43% reduction below 2005 levels, finding a hidey-hole for such waste in the Great Artesian Basin though would be equivalent to knowing further destroying a natural National asset.

Once fucked up, always fucked up, simply not worth the risk, period!

“We” know what we have allowed our governments to do, (Well some of us do) electing them to rule us in this yo-yo two-party system we have inherited from the British instead of serving the community. They still allow both Australian and foreign mega businesses to pay no or little taxation on their profits that could fund some small countries and change their lives, but now Labor is suggesting that the creators of this waste can capitalise further on their miscreant behaviour by moving their problems into someone else’s backyard.

Whilst reticent to ‘punish’ such industries Government could maybe ensure and enforce their corporate responsibility to quickly discover new ways to reuse this carbon waste in viable products of general use…or fine them at the same rate as the potential tax they have not been paying.

Large portions of both active and depleted mining operations have massive tracts of land that when properly geophysically studied for potential negative effects should be used to put back carbon from where it has been taken, like coal mines for instance.

The thought is appalling let alone imagining the actual result of such a flawed idea!

Albo, this is a moment in time, a pre-empt to an independent nation, leading Oceania into the beginning of our future. Take their money mate, your country needs it!


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