Our incredible community – who are the artists in your neighbourhood?

arts in bayside
arts in bayside
Bayside Arts

We get to know the artists in our community this week with our first Bayside artist in profile, Gregory Alexander as well as an interview with photographic artist Ponch Hawkes.

Oil Painting Family Portrait No 2

Fiona McMonagle: Classy – Image of the Week

This week we bring you Family Portrait No.2.

Changing Faces 171 black and white potraits

Changing Faces: Reframing Women in Local Democracy

This exhibition celebrates the contribution women make to the municipality of Bayside and encourages women to get involved in local democracy.

Last week we interviewed the incredible artist Ponch Hawkes, if you didn’t join us for the live session you can view it here.

Artist painting tree

Who are the artists in your neighbourhood?

Each week we will showcase one of our many talented local artists to learn about their practice, inspiration and what life in Iso has been like for them.

This week meet Bayside artist, Gregory Alexander and take part in his fun workshop activity.

Four pieces from collection

Bayside Art and Heritage Collection Review

The Art and Heritage Collection held by Bayside City Council is an important way of sharing the history and sense of community, enriching public spaces and promoting art and artists in the Bayside community. From time to time we review the collection, so it can be refreshed and improved.

We are calling out for anyone who donated costumes and textiles to Black Rock House and Billilla Historic Mansion in the 1970s to contact us as we begin the process to review and remove items from the collection (deaccession).

Please contact Assistant Curator, Nicole Salvo 03 9261 7110 or via email by 30 June if you have donated a textile item you wish to be returned.

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