Parallax @ Gasworks

Parallax @ Gasworks


A new world of dance and 3D animation

Gasworks Arts Park opens their 2018 mainstage season with Parallax from 1-3 March. This triple bill of contemporary dance integrates human movement, animation and 3D illusions in an incredible show by Melbourne based choreographer, animator, performer and academic, Megan Beckwith. 

Megan Beckwith is the only dance artist in Australia to be experimenting with the intersection of 3D holograms and contemporary dance. She has won the prestigious Australia Post Art Prize for the animated dance Torso and is described by The Age as ‘a trailblazer’. Within computer game culture her work has been admired as it  ‘opens a rabbit hole of accelerating conceptual possibilities’ (KILLSCREEN). 

The first two works, Torso and Arm, pose the question: if you could buy a body part, what would it be and how would it behave?  The thrilling climax of this performance, Parallax, is formed at the intersection of imaginary worlds and live performance. Watch as a woman drinks a green liquid and the hallway she is standing in becomes a portal to new worlds.

In Parallax, 3D animations interact with both the dancer and audience for a fully immersive experience.

Gasworks Theatre

Thursday 1 March
Friday 2 March
Saturday 3 march

Full $45
Concession $40
Under 30 $40
Group (6+) $30

Buy Tickets for Parallax here
8606 4299


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