Psychological resources for youth

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open hearts assets

Why are our resources so popular?
Because kids and teens love them!

Build skills to address anxiety, bullying, autism, teen relationships, social skills, low mood, poor self-esteem and much more…..

Designed by Clinical Psychologists

Our visual resources are changing how practitioners work. Did you know that 65% of us are visual learners? Our products enhance our clients experience and do work that talking simply can’t. 

Check out our range of tools designed to improve the therapeutic experience and enhance client outcomes

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Our resources are great for teachers, parents and speech therapists too!

Our social skill cue cards are proving to be very popular with speech therapists and teachers.

Check it out

Stop Bullying

Teach the skills to build resilience and confidence to combat and stop bullying!
“I have achieved great results with this tool in therapy!”

Tom B. School Counsellor

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