Social Connection As A Mental Health Solution



social connection as a mental health solutionConnect2Grow….

…. evolved from a part of the popular presentation to corporates and community groups about dealing with Mental Health issues that i deliver. It is based on the suggestion that “the best exercise that you can do is to help someone else who is down to get up”. Social Connection as a Mental Health Solution is a wonderful opportunity to help others whilst at the same time going your own self esteem a boost. This suggestion is a clear part of the solution to Mental Health issues experienced by individuals and groups as it creates a “win – win” situation in a new relationship.

The objective is to encourage those who are either suffering from a mental health issue or who are wanting to improve their existing level of self esteem by focussing on becoming involved in mentoring or volunteering. A good example of this type of Volunteering is the opportunity provided by Big Brothers Big Sisters where the mentoring provided by the Volunteer helps a young person who may be fighting a serious adversity. If you want to learn more check out the stories about organisations that help others on this link i f you want to search other Volunteering opportunities click on the “Contact Us” button to be directed to the search engine of the Volunteer Australia database.

The journey of exploring Mental Health solutions through Volunteering has among other things helped to provide a fascinating insight into some of Australia’s Military History, particularly through my engagement with The Ali Island Project.

The Ali Island Project is a Volunteer Tourism opportunity that i found out about from a mate in my Rotary Club. It is all about helping the isolated population of Ali Island, located 8 kilometres off the coast of Aitape in the remote Sandaun Province of Papua New Guinea. Visualise Gilligan’s Island in terms of how basic the living conditions are where subsistence living is a way of life.

In the down time of this project i was able to explore the remains of a WW2 Airfield, enter caves that were dug by Japanese occupiers and learn a lot about the final moments of Sgt Leonard Siffleet. Sgt Siffleet’s final moments were infamously recorded by one of his Japanese captors to become one of the most iconic photos from WW2 that documented the inhumanity of the Japanese occupiers of the Region towards defenceless Prisoners of War. I will share more of that story in another article.

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