Soil Carbon Industry Group brings focus on Soil Carbon to Canberra

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L-R:  Chair SCIG Matthew Warnken, Executive Director Precision Pastures Hamish Webb, SCIG Co-Chair Louisa Kiely, AgriProve Ops Manager Duncan Farquhar, Hamish Hunt, AgriProve General Manager Australia Stuart Upton, AgriProve soil carbon ops officer Imogen Hickey

The businesses leading the development of Soil Carbon as a climate solution have come together for the Annual General Meeting of the Soil Carbon Industry Group in Canberra.

With soil carbon the largest pool of carbon within human control, the Soil Carbon Industry Group is leading the way in facilitating rapid drawdown of atmospheric carbon into soil, to deliver soil security and a safe climate.  Innovation with skilled land managers is critical to success. The Australian team for action with soil carbon is well placed to support this innovation and ensure that soil carbon makes a material contribution to meeting Paris climate targets.

SCIG Members joined a meeting of the Parliamentary Friends for Climate Action on Tuesday morning in Parliament House. Meetings with The Clean Energy Regulator and Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water also focused on accelerating participation in soil carbon projects.

Soil Carbon Industry Group Member companies include:

  • Carbon Farmers of Australia
  • AgriProve
  • Carbon Count
  • CarbonLink
  • AgriMix
  • Regenerative Australian Farmers
  • Carbon Neutral
  • FarmLab
  • Southpole
  • HRL
  • RLF Agtech
  • Precision Pastures
  • Carbon Friendly
  • Carbon Sync
  • Hone Carbon
  • LawrieCo
  • Davies Way
  • Atlas Carbon
  • Loam Bio

Key recent developments for the Soil Carbon industry

  • This year saw the first issuance of Australian Carbon Credit Units under the 2021 Soil Carbon Method.
  • SCIG member CarbonLink has three projects that received 245,978 ACCUs.
  • SCIG member AgriProve also had three projects issued with 7,031 ACCUs (taking its total to 8,935 ACCUs).

Quotes attributable to Soil Carbon Industry Group Co-Chairs Louisa Kiely and Matthew Warnken:

Director Carbon Farmers of Australia, Louisa Kiely

“Today, our industry is at a point of inflection as we move from discussing the potential of soil as a carbon removal technology, to projects delivering measured and verified sequestration results.”

“It builds industry confidence to have a government committed to action. I thank Bridget Archer MP, Josh Burns MP and Zali Steggall MP for the opportunity to join the Parliamentary Friends of Climate Action event.”

Managing Director AgriProve, Matthew Warnken

“Policy needs the skills and expertise of SCIG and our members to get the settings right to accelerate action. We must anticipate where we need to be as an organisation to represent soil as a scalable carbon removal technology.”

“it is worth reminding ourselves that the ‘effective carbon crediting policy environment’ that we enjoy has been earnt through the dedication in both time, effort and funding from many including SCIG members, the regulator and policy professionals.”

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