Spiritual Leadership by Alice Bailey


Announcing the release of two booklets on spiritual leadership written in 1921 and 1922 by Alice Bailey, not seen for a hundred years.

The two booklets in Spiritual Leadership written by Alice Bailey (herself) in 1921 and 1922, are now available on Amazon. In writing the introduction to this slim volume, my own thinking sharpened. These booklets represent the single most significant moment in the history of Alice Bailey, when she was in between being an active member of the Theosophical Society and founding her own worldwide movement.

About Spiritual Leadership

Spiritual Leadership contains two booklets written by breakaway theosophist Alice A. Bailey in 1921 and 1922, that address the issues facing the Theosophical Society at that time.

The booklets represent a pivotal moment in the transition from Alice Bailey’s failed takeover of the society towards the foundation of her own organisations which took place in the months that followed.

Written a hundred years ago, these short texts convey something of the occultist’s own spiritual aspirations and ambitions, and serve as an important historical moment in the history of theosophy.

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