Tuesday, June 11, 2024
33.6 C

Tag: emissions reduction


A clean energy grid means 10,000km of new transmission lines. They can only be built with community backing

Image: Thomas Despeyroux/Unsplash If you drive through central Victoria, you might wonder at the signs reading “Piss off AusNet” in shop windows or even mown...


Australia's climate change legislation should be passed with an added commitment to 'name and fame' sectors leading the charge to reduce emissions, the peak...

Grattan on Saturday: Government win on climate legislation leaves opposition looking like a stranded asset

Image: Lukas Coch/AAP Perhaps not since the marriage equality vote has the passage of a bill in the House of Representatives carried such a combination...

The Greens have backed Labor’s 43% target – but don’t think Australia’s climate wars are over

Image: Shutterstock After a decade of climate policy failure, Wednesday brought good news and slightly less good news for Australian action on climate change. The good...

Scorched dystopia or liveable planet? Here’s where the climate policies of our political hopefuls will take us

Image: David Mariuz/AAP The federal election campaign takes place against a background of flooding on Australia’s east coast, where some residents remain in temporary accommodation a month...

No, Mr Morrison – the safeguard mechanism is not a ‘sneaky carbon tax

Image: Mick Tsikas/AAP Prime Minister Scott Morrison this week claimed Labor was planning a “sneaky carbon tax” should it win power, and Nationals senator Matt Canavan declared the goal...