Friday, May 10, 2024
31.6 C

Tag: News


Diary of a Doctor by Dr ‘Peter’

I found this book on my inlaws shelf when I was helping clean out their house. I’m fascinated by quirky books and this took...

Apocalypse 3: Diary of a Survivor by Matt J Pike

Today is the day I cheat and I do it with purpose in mind. I finished Apocalypse 3: Diary of a Survivor and Apocalypse...

Unpacking for Greece by Sally Jane Smith

Smith has a fairly common name, but her writing is the totally opposite. When I unboxed her book I misunderstood and thought she was...

Exclusion Zone by Peter J Aldin

And with this book Aldin is back. He’s in fine form here. This is a book filled with action and adventure out in space...

Noises in the night

My body hates me. I say this not to complain but as a prelude to help you understand why I was awake in the...

No idea what to call this

I’m developing a really good track record for not talking about books this year. Or maybe that should be a really bad track record...