Tuesday, June 11, 2024
30.6 C

Tag: Prejudice


‘It’s kind of suffocating’: queer young Australians speak about how they feel at school and what they think of politicians

Image: Darren England/AAP You might think that in 2022 it would be utterly uncontroversial for a footy club to have rainbow colours on a jersey to celebrate...

How not to fall for coronavirus BS: avoid the 7 deadly sins of thought

Image: Shuttlestock With the COVID-19 pandemic causing a great deal of anxiety, we might come to think people are irrational, selfish or downright crazy. We...

New research shows prejudice still high in Australia, but many people seeking to promote social inclusion

About a quarter of Australians have experienced a form of major discrimination in the past two years. James Ross/AAP Australians like to think of themselves...

How research is helping to reduce prejudice between people online

When individuals from different groups interact positively and cooperate online, society changes for the better. rawpixel/Unspalsh The internet often gets a bad rap, and for...