Monday, April 29, 2024
21.9 C

Tag: reduce


I’m considering an interest-only home loan. What do I need to know?

Image: Chuttersnap/Unsplash An interest-only home loan, as the name suggests, is where you only pay the interest on a loan and not the principal (the original...

Why do people overshare online? 5 expert tips for avoiding social media scandal

Image: Steve Gale / Unsplash Social media are increasingly blurring the lines between our personal and professional lives, leaving us at risk of posting sensitive...

Peanuts present a nutty solution for weight loss

A handful of peanuts might be a favourite snack, but according to new research from the University of South Australia it's also a way...


Australia's climate change legislation should be passed with an added commitment to 'name and fame' sectors leading the charge to reduce emissions, the peak...

Down on Vitamin D? It could be the cause of chronic inflammation

Inflammation is an essential part of the body's healing process. But when it persists, it can contribute to a wide range of complex diseases...

Anti-rejection medication and immunotherapy kicks cancer and protects kidney transplants

Adding immunotherapy to standard anti-rejection medication could change the lives of thousands of kidney transplant patients with incurable cancer, as new research shows it...