Wednesday, April 24, 2024
17.5 C

Tag: Summer


Stressful Christmas? How meditation can (and can’t) help you through a nightmare lunch

Image: Shutterstock Images of happy families, joyous celebrations and perfectly wrapped presents. Must be Christmas, right? While these cues can be linked to eager anticipation...

Back so soon, La Niña? Here’s why we’re copping two soggy summers in a row

Image: Dan Himbrechts/AAP Last month was Australia’s wettest November on record, and summer in Queensland and parts of New South Wales is also expected to be soggy...

More people die in winter than summer, but climate change may see this reverse

  Picture: Shuttlestock Climate change not only poses enormous dangers to the planet, but also harms human health. In our study published today, we show some...

Hit the road, Jack: 5 epic literary road trips that are not by Kerouac

 Picture: Unsplash/Juan Di Nella Summer is the time for holidays and travel. But as we weakly wave goodbye (we hope) to the horrors of 2020,...

Flip flop: the un-Australian history of the rubber thong

 Picture: Shuttlestock The shoe known in Australia as a “thong” is one of the oldest styles of footwear in the world. Worn with small variations across Egypt, Rome,...

Mozzies biting? Here’s how to choose a repellent (and how to use it for the best protection)

 Image: Shuttlestock Mosquitoes are an inevitable part of the Australian summer. And this year, with COVID a consideration, we might be spending more time outdoors...