Sunday, April 28, 2024
25.9 C

Tag: waste management


From Hobart, to London, to Dhaka: using cameras and AI to build an automatic litter detection system

Picture: Shuttlestock It’s estimated about two million tonnes of plastics enter the oceans from rivers each year. But our waterways aren’t just conveyor belts transporting...

Millions of face masks are being thrown away during COVID-19. Here’s how to choose the best one for the planet

Image: Shuttlestock Face masks are part of our daily lives during the pandemic. Many are made from plastics and designed to be used just...

As cities grow, the Internet of Things can help us get on top of the waste crisis

Melbourne is one Australian city that’s moving to improve its waste management and reduce its reliance on trucks to collect waste. TK Kurikawa/Shutterstock Total global...