Saturday, August 31, 2024
26.6 C

Tag: Wellbeing


What art are you engaging with in lockdown? Australians are mostly watching TV — but music, singing and dancing do more for your mood

  Picture: y Kinga Cichewicz/Unsplash How have you been passing the time during lockdown? Have you been taking an online drawing class, or did you...

At home with your dog? 3 ways to connect and lift your spirits

  Picture: Olly (above with Jon David) It may come as no surprise to dog owners in lockdown, but walking the dog can be the...

9 tips to give yourself the best shot at sticking to new year’s resolutions

 Image: Shuttlestock For many cultures, the dawn of the new year is marked not only with celebration, but also the opportunity for personal reflection and...

Indoor Pop Up Plant Shop @CoWork Me

Co-working space is all about fun & collaboration and this time we do so with an indoor pop-up shop by La Plant. Research has shown...

What Does it Mean to Be Vulnerable?

“Vulnerable” is defined as being “able to be easily physically, emotionally, or mentally hurt, influenced, or attacked.” In fact, the belief that vulnerability is...