The good news | Things worth knowing

co work me
co work me

Welcome to the ‘The Good News’, a newsletter for the modern entrepreneur, start-ups and small to large businesses. We cover featured member stories, blogs, events and other things worth knowing. 
Can you believe it’s March? So much has happened around the world and it seems 2020 is going to be an eventful one. 

This year has been nothing but significant. The news has been filled with the Royal Family, a pandemic called Coronavirus and of course the Australian Bushfires. 

It seems our world is in strife, community and togetherness have never been so important than it is now.

And that’s what we’re all about, here at CoWork Me.

Go ahead and book a tour with us to see how we can help grow your business. 

We look forward to meeting you.

The CoWork Me Team

Had enough of a stale office environment?! Here’s the social enterprise who transforms offices into art spaces. Check out this article that features one of our CoWork Me members Scott Ko. We love having ColourSpace Gallery in our building and this write up showcases their awesome work.


Unlimited caffeine, a buzzing community, outdoor terraces with unwavering wifi and the option to make money with a dog on your lap. Sound like a good work environment? We asked one of our members, Martin from OneLeg, who shares his thoughts of a good coworking space.


We love to support our members and to see them thrive! Our website developer and member Leigh Morrow from Net Ninjas has nominated his work for his client, the Whites Group to the awwwards with one of his recent website design & development. Let’s give him a vote and cross our fingers that he wins!


To celebrate International Irish Whisky Day on March 3rd, we are hosting a whisky tasting at CoWork Me. Luckily, we have Martin Lynch from Teeling Whiskey as a member. He will be serving some of their award-winning whiskeys and introducing the story behind the brand. The tasting is open for members of CoWork Me and for any whisky lovers in the area. Tickets are $10 for non-members. 


What a better way to celebrate the small and big wins of the week than sharing a moment with your coworkers. Every Friday our members get together for a drink or two. CoWork Me host Friday drinks in the space once a month, and the other three are held at our partner venue, The Newmarket Hotel. You are welcome to join.

The Faces of CoWork Me captures members and a snapshot of what they do. Here’s Martin from Teeling Whiskey Company, a distillery from his hometown, Dublin.

His role as a Commercial Manager involves a lot of traveling throughout the Asia Pacific region. Last year, Martin flew 50 times, landing in Japan, Thailand and Singapore to name a few. Martin is extremely passionate about his work and is proud to be apart of the fastest growing Irish Whiskey brand in Australia. In 2019, Teeling Whiskey was awarded the world’s best single malt.

Cheers Martin!

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