The Indy Theatre Revolution 



We, The Wolves Theatre Company were just at the Southbank Theatre, the Lawler.

A small theatre set up to support Indy and experimental theatre.

Even though they kindly gave us a massive rent reduction, because of all their overheads they took ¾ of what we earned and all the emails from our customers.

We made $20 000 in 9 shows, they took $15 000

In the following week for a measly $1200 we bought all the theatre lights, sound equipment and trusses we require to own our own pop up theatre.

Thanks to LED’s it’s all now affordable. 

With only 64 customers in a hall in Frankston, paying $30 for tickets, rather than $45, and with no other booking fees, we were able to pay our actors, tech and made a profit, we also got a load of precious emails added to our own email list.

And this was our first time out.  And they want us back.  

And the hall cost only $55.00 to hire. That’s it. No other costs.

We call it taking new theatre to the people.

If you are in Indy Theatre or want to be, then this is a way to make money with your new theatrical pieces without waiting for grants.

Though as artists we’d never say no to a Grant 🙂

New Theatre isn’t dead, at all. . .  And If you want to help, then like an unstoppable asteroid, we could be a new industry waiting to explode. 

For more info or just to chat please get in touch.

                                                      Michael Gray Griffith: Playwright

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