The Odd Couple – The Play [Melb]

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Neil Simon’s classic comedy The Odd Couple celebrates its opening night at Melbourne’s Comedy Theatre on 23 May 2024.

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Starring as Oscar and Felix in The Odd Couple are Shane Jacobson and Todd McKenney, the archetypal odd couple, as different as chalk and cheese, but best mates and constant collaborators.

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Since they met on the Channel 7 TV series The Real Full Monty several years ago, the friends have worked together on TV in Mates on a Mission and The All New Monty, and on stage in The Rocky Horror Show and Hairspray (as husband and wife). Wicked co-stars Lucy Durack and Penny McNamee play Cecily Pigeon and Gwendolyn Pigeon, the giggly pair of English sisters who live upstairs from Oscar.

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Two suddenly single pals — a sloppy sportswriter and a fastidious news writer — strain their friendship by becoming roommates and unconsciously repeating the same mistakes they made in the marriages they just left. Neurotic and neat freak Felix Ungar is thrown out by his wife, and moves in with his slovenly friend Oscar Madison.

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The characteristics that drove each of them to leave their wives soon have them at each other’s throats in this classic comedy.

It started as a play and Broadway laughed. A movie and a TV series followed and the whole world laughed. Now, laugh all over again with this hilarious new Australian stage production of The Odd Couple.

The Toorak Times sent our lead photographer, Lord Murray Schoorman of Peak Hour Images along for a sneak peak of the play, ahead of their opening night tomorrow, Thursday 23 May 2024.

All images used with express permission.

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