Toorak Times 50th Birthday

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black and gold minimalist Anniversary 10th instagram post 1

Birthdays and Celebrations Aplenty!

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Turns 50!

50th banner

Toorak Times is celebrating its 50th Anniversary as an independent newspaper banner head at the Alex Theatre 135 Fitzroy Street St Kilda beginning during the cocktail hours (all shall become apparent)! We would love to invite you to a soiree to help us celebrate these various landmarks in our publishing history.

We would love to hear from people that were associated with Toorak Times back in the day and others in Jack’s cohort still roaming the planet.

TAGG Toorak Times Bar

On November 11th TAGG/Toorak Times is celebrating having been online in various versions now for 12 years and growing strong as a Citizen Journalism outlet.

Sadly, our long-time Senior Editor and great mate Rob Greaves retired, without his salient guidance and trust, abiding patience through a decade of live builds and breakdowns we would not be celebrating…and it has taken 12 years for me to learn this online craft of publishing that is now progressively gaining purchase within our genre.

We have four newspapers now online.

cocktails from downunder Cocktail recipe book Melbourne

As part of the last of SKWF 2022 St Kilda Writers Festival events through the COVID Years I am including my own book at my own cost because it is fun! Always remember that cocktail hour is a vertical relaxation!

We are also re-releasing our 1970’s classic cocktail recipe book, Cocktails From Down Under which is also 50 years old this year and has its own website we encourage you to check out.

In 1971 at the Cocktails World Championship in Osaka Japan, Australian/Austrian mixologist won the World Championship.

In 1972 my father published Cocktails From Down Under edited by Bill Schober, the first complete guide to cocktails produced in Australia and one of very few in the world. It was published in a limited 2000 print edition with Bill’s award-winning cocktails and all the other award winners from Osaka and all the standards of the time. They are extremely rare to find anywhere. I found one after he passed away in his stuff and thought…hmmm…its 50th Anniversary as a seminal cocktail guide is another reason to have a cocktail party.

We will have a limited number of these award-winning cocktails at the bar at very affordable prices as we will also be announcing a wonderful association with a specialist liqueur distributor and replicating some of Bill Schober’s amazing cocktail mixes, St Kilda Marina, Daddy Cool etc., with these ingredients and for some a fresh look at the drink from the mixologist. 

This was the era when most homes had a cocktail bar in Australia and Cocktails From Down Under gives you an exquisite guide to putting on a classic ’70s cocktail party.

We are now experiencing a love for ’70s culture recently, the music, fashion and styles, so we are excited to reproduce a limited edition of 50 copies of the original version for sale on the night


To add some culture to the event you will also be able to buy discounted tix to a St Kilda Writers Festival event at the same venue, NASHVILLE: A Rock Odyssey at 8:30 PM on the same night, a produced show of the songs from the band The Majishans who are enjoying success and wonderful press around the country…I can’t wait to see the full-blown Rock Opera!

Cheekily the scriptwriters decided to name the very capable but unconventional manager, they reckon dodgy…pfft, Mick Pacholli…but at least they spelled my name correctly! I looked after my bands eh! lol

We have a discounted price for those coming to celebrate our birthday so you can choose to watch the show or remain in the lounge bar.

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