Turning Knowledge into Practice – implementing change for the better

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3 Farm Field Days across NSW and Victoria will share how land managers have put their knowledge from various sources, into practice, implementing change to make their businesses better.

Kicking off on the 12th March at Young NSW, then 22 April, Nagambie VIC, and finally, 16th May near Uralla NSW.  These field days are for land managers who are curious and keen to explore ideas about what works or what has been learnt, and what’s next for their business.

“Making change in management is easier when we talk with like-minded people.  Australian Holistic Management Co-operative is supporting land managers who are changing their thinking through to those who are taking action so their land is regenerating”, Helen Lewis CEO Australian Holistic Management Co-operative said.

‘“Our training, implementation support and annual ecological monitoring service help members make better management decisions and to make changes that improve their Ag business. Every business is unique offering stories that will inspire people about what is possible.” said Helen Lewis

The first field day is at Boxgum Grazing- Young NSW on Tuesday 12th March 2024.

“ No matter whether you are thinking about changing your practices, startingan Ag business or if you have been managing holistically for awhile, join us to discuss what to work on first-  growing grass, your product or your Marketing… we look forward to sharing stories, experiences and a walk on the Farm.”   Sam& Claire Johnson, from Boxgum Grazing Young, said.

The richness the diversity of ages brings to Ag can’t be underestimated, from the growing number of young people wanting to get started in Ag to the many intergenerational farm businesses through generational holdings- all bring different ideas, approaches and energy.

“We want to inspire farmers, of all ages to transition to a more regenerative life.” said, Jim & Donna Winter-Irving, who will host the 2nd Field Day at Coolwoola Plains, Nagambie VIC

Discussions will centre around building Natural Capital and Ecological Outcome Verification auditing at our 3rd Field Day, hosted by Richard and Sarah Daugherty near Uralla. They are using Holistic Management principals to build organic matter in the soil, add value to their landscape and farming business.

“The value of independent on farm audits is helping progress at Balala”

said Richard and Sarah Daugherty.  

On the18th/19th October 2024 we will return to Coombing Park, Carcoar NSW, after 25 years, to celebrate Holistic Management and the thriving lives and landscapes that are nurtured by managing holistically, proactively looking at the future business of food and fibre.

Book your  field day tickets & register your interest in attending Coombing Park 25 years on, through https://events.humanitix.com/ahmc-events

About The Australian Holistic Management Co-operative ( AHMC)

The Co-operative seeks to promote Holistic Management to enable thriving lives and landscapes. Its core activity is EOV (Ecological Outcome Verification)– a robust, scientific measurement of the health of farmland over time.

AHMC members have access to training, monitoring, branding, mentoring and field days. Its members produce meat, wool, wine, eggs, vegetables and fruit, and services such as education, media, art, landscaping and farm stays. AHMC also works with government and businesses on Australian and international ecological projects.

For more information- holisticmanagement.au

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