Two big nights of Tripod at MEMO Music Hall – Friday 9 and Saturday 10 December  – 8pm


Blain Crellin speaks with TRIPOD here:

Tripod Christmas Turkeys – Two big nights of Tripod at MEMO Music Hall – Friday 9 and Saturday 10 December  – 8pm

Christmas. We can’t avoid it. Not saying we want to. Well, sometimes we might. But it’s not going anywhere. Therefore, let’s hear some songs about it. Specifically, let’s hear Tripod poke their harmony-laden musical sticks at Christmas this year.

They might even stealthily make you feel Christmassy. 

Since their earliest shows Tripod have made a consistent habit of juggling comedy, music and narrative in endless exhilarating combinations, consistently evading neat definitions whilst always striving to stay worthy of their fans’ time.

Tripod continue to bring an insane level of craft in both comedy and music and combine them in a rich and satisfying way – an ability that has cemented them as a much loved cultural fixture in Australia.

Xmas Turkeys promises to be a hilarious mix of suburban whimsy and dark satire, the perfect Christmas gift for those that love or hate Christmas and everything in between.

“…there’s hardly time to catch your breath in between bouts of uncontrollable laughter… these guys are unbelievable musicians too. Sometimes five stars just aren’t enough” The Scotsman, Edinburgh

“Tripod could be a comedy trio or just a very strange, very talented rock band” Adelaide Advertiser

MEMO MUSIC HALL – 88 Acland Street St Kilda

FRID 9 & SAT 10 DECEMBER  – 8pm
BOOK: or

I am the magician
With my staff and sword.
I wield towards
A knowing end,
But along the journey
Be loving and gentle,
Until shadows reveal
A mirror of self.
An imaginary shadow
Of living and life lived,
Etched upon the world.
It’s message is there
And everywhere
Never to be erased, as all
Who have come before
Have etched their lives
On the curtain of the
Universal wall.

Blain Crellin 2016

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