Walkley Awards winners announced

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Walkley winners a6395d466b82313745b52c41db855279

Anne Connolly, Ali Russell and Stephanie Zillman have won the Gold Walkley, Australian journalism’s highest honour, for their investigation “State Control” on ABC Four Corners.

The judges said “This was enlightening and determined reporting, giving power to voiceless people and allowing them to tell a story of complete powerlessness. Prompting debate about law reform in various states, it has the potential to effect large-scale public policy reform.”

Brendan Esposito was named the Nikon-Walkley Press Photographer of the Year for a powerful body of work spanning Ukraine and Australia for the ABC. Brownyn Adcock won the Walkley Book Award for Currowan (Black Inc. Books) and the Walkley Documentary Award went to Karl Malakunas for Delikado.

The award for Outstanding Contribution to Journalism went to Sally Neighbour for her impactful career. In Neighbour’s seven years as Four Corners‘ executive producer, the program won 18 Walkleys, including two Gold Walkleys. Four Corners stories she commissioned led to four royal commissions – into youth justice, banking, aged care and Murray-Darling water theft.

The 67th Walkley Awards for Excellence in Journalism were presented in 30 categories, announced tonight in Sydney.

The Walkley Foundation’s chief executive, Shona Martyn said: “This has been a huge year for news with war in Ukraine, horrific floods and a federal election. Australian journalists, photographers and camera operators have excelled in their coverage of these major events, sometimes putting their lives on the line. This year’s best journalism also includes stories that were uncovered by old school legwork, tips, hard work, hunches and painstaking and considered investigation. I congratulate all the winners and finalists for their recognition in the 67th Walkley Awards. And thank our sponsors and partners for their support.”

The chair of the Walkley Judging Board, Michael Brissenden, praised the range and depth of this year’s winning entries, which must have been published, broadcast or televised in Australia in the 12 months from September 1, 2022 to August 31, 2022.

“2022 has been another cracker of a year for Australian journalism. It is our mission at the Walkley Foundation to celebrate and support great Australian journalism and 2022 certainly hasn’t disappointed. A year that has seen significant and powerful reporting on the fall out from the Covid pandemic, on extraordinary abuses of trust and power in sport and in government, on Indigenous issues and the environment and of course on the floods and Ukraine … alongside the usual standout efforts of investigative reporters, great photography, cartoons and production skills, and important analysis and commentary. Judging the best of all this isn’t easy and we congratulate all the winners and finalists.”

Winners of the Walkley Awards were selected by the Walkley Judging Board in October, after first round peer-judging in September. The Walkley Book Award and the Walkley Documentary Award were judged separately by experts in those fields. You can find information about the Walkley Awards judging process here and the Terms and Conditions of the Awards here.

The Walkley Foundation has a mechanism for dealing with any conflict of interest, actual or perceived, that may arise during the judging process. The guidelines are based on the principle that all actual conflicts of interest are to be avoided and that even a perceived conflict may be damaging to all parties. You can read more about the conflict guidelines here.

Read the full list of winners

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