We All Eat

Healthy eating Plate with vegan or vegetarian food in woman hands Healthy plant based diet Healthy dinner Buddha bowl with fresh vegetables
Healthy eating. Plate with vegan or vegetarian food. Healthy plant based diet. Healthy dinner. Buddha bowl with fresh vegetables. High quality photo

You know what really gets on my nerves. People telling me that they’re on a diet. It doesn’t really matter which one they’re on, but because I’m an Osteopath, they always want to tell me how good it is. I’ve heard them all; keto, the 16/8, the low carb, the carnivore, the vegan  even the Mediterranean. Honestly, I don’t really care! Stop telling me! You want to know why?

Good food and laughter go hand in hand

Let me tell you. It really doesn’t matter what diet you are on. It really doesn’t. It matters if you are healthy, and that diet is helping you be healthy but apart from that it doesn’t. If it’s stressing you out because you must be anal about what to put in your mouth or you become irritable about it, then that isn’t the right way to eat for you. Eating should be enjoyable. We are fueling our body and giving sustenance, much-needed nutrients, and vitamins. If you can adapt and pursue a way of eating that works for you, then that’s great. You’ve developed a healthy habit that allows you to understand what your body and mind needs for fuel.

I have found over the years and after speaking to hundreds of patients, that it doesn’t matter what you put in your mouth. It also doesn’t matter how much money you spend on someone telling you what you should be eating if you can’t maintain that method of eating. The fact is, if you can’t, then it’s not right for you. Unless of course, for medical reasons you really, really, really, need to change how you eat (bye bye fast food, hello healthy food).

No-one said that being healthy was easy, but eating is probably one of the easiest things to change in your life. And, as a bonus you’ll reduce your risk of diabetes, and heart disease and support a healthier longer life. I could bang on about how I had to change my diet and lifestyle when I got a Crohn’s diagnosis. Understanding I needed to change I overhauled my diet and lifestyle. I worked bloody hard to get myself into remission so that three years later my Crohn’s disappeared. How did I do it? I needed a bigger purpose to believe in. For me, that was my family. Remember, we are all different and have different understandings of what we need as individuals to be healthy. Hot tip – getting rid of our dis-ease is not copying people on social media.

Friends Having Fun at Dinner Party
Young woman is laughing with her friends at a dinner party as she squeezes lemon juice on a salad.

I believe we all know what healthy eating is and what happens when we overindulge. The bad news of disease, weight gain and unhealthiness based on eating and drinking isn’t lost on most people these days. I don’t believe that people are unaware. I just believe that people don’t see that portion sizes are too big or that they have too many snacks in the day, as they forget how much they eat. I do believe that the correct information about what we eat during the day should be talked about more. If you’re confused, don’t worry, I have found that the simplest way to view eating is to have breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. In essence eat more at the beginning of the day as you need more energy to get through the day and less at night when you are resting and asleep. And make sure you mix up your diet with protein, carbs and good fats.

Of course, this idea is not right for everyone as it depends on other elements such as exercise routines, medical needs and work routines such as shift work. For example, people need more food before and after they work out. This ties back to fueling the body for energy. Starting to see the correlation?

The idea is to not listen to influencers and copy what they do but to deep dive into what you think works for you. You can in essence personalise what you eat. Ask questions, google peer-reviewed studies, or listen to professionals who have worked in this industry for years and know what they are talking about. There are so many claims on the web that you can I believe, find a result to confirm the answer to just about anything you want to believe in. Try to make sure whatever you are looking for to justify your belief has a credible source, makes sense and is something you can maintain. Don’t see eating as a diet, see it as a lifestyle change and don’t worry about what others think. It took years for my friends to get their head around me not drinking, now they know, and finally, they let me buy a round.

Make sure to eat food that makes you feel good, not sick or bloated or uncomfortable. This is not what food is all about. Food is about loving what you eat and feeling great with the energy it gives you to get out and do what you want. This is the only ‘diet’ for you.

Remember is not a fad diet it’s a journey for health. Eat well.


Expat Brit, Curious by Nature founder, Super Soups Author, and Media Spokesperson for health and well-being related to osteopathy.


Visit https://www.southyarraosteopathy.com.au.com


Danny is represented by Little Train Creative and is available as a keynote speaker and consultant in Osteopathy.


BIOGRAPHY DannyWilliams TheOsteopath 2024Danny Williams, The Osteopath

Osteopath & Founder – South Yarra Osteopathy

Osteopath and British expat Danny Williams arrived in Australia in 2010 where he relocated and set up South Yarra Osteopathy. A high sort after expert in his field Danny brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the sector. In the UK Danny was a lecturer and tutor at the British School of Osteopathy (BSO), spokesman for the British Osteopathic Association (BOA) and one of only two Consultant Osteopaths at London’s prestigious
Portland Hospital treating pregnant women and children.

As an expert in his field Danny has lectured worldwide on Osteopathy. In the UK Danny developed a media presence as ‘the back doctor’ and was on national
television and radio programs.

Danny trained at the British School of Osteopathy (BSO), the largest and oldest osteopathic school in the UK. After graduating in 1997, he taught Osteopathic Health Care at the BSO on a regular basis for 4 years, where he was the youngest osteopathic lecturer in Europe. In 1998 he became an external examiner for the London School of Osteopathy, helping students to achieve BSc (Hons) qualification leading to Professional Registration. Since 1999 Danny has been a Lecturer at the European College of Osteopathy and the Brazilian School of Osteopathy and completed a Masters in Osteopathy in 2007.

In 2000, Danny built a successful business providing ‘In House’ Osteopathic Services to companies needing a corporate wellbeing approach. Following this, in 2006 Danny became spokesperson for the British Osteopathic Association. As a media personality in the UK Danny appeared in numerous newspapers and on UK national radio and television, where he advised on the human body and the benefits of osteopathy.

Since moving to Australia Danny has continued spreading awareness of the benefits of osteopathy including building a centre of clinical excellence and developing corporate health.

About Expat Brit, Curious by Nature founder, Super Soups Author, Media Spokesperson for health and wellbeing related to osteopathy.

In the Media The Mirror, Channel 4, News.com.au, Herald Sun, That’s Life, Mornington Peninsula News, The Sun, CosBeauty, GMTV, Body & Soul, Kiddipedia, Starts at Sixty, Ticker TV, Daily Record, Lincolnshire Live.


Visit https://dannytheosteopath.com.au

Social Media

Facebook: @dannytheosteopath
Instagram: @dannytheossteopath


Danny is represented by Little Train Creative and is available as a keynote speaker and consultant in the area of Osteopathy.




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