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Huso and Esme’s story is a disturbing one, two young kids brought up in poor homes, friends by default and living vicariously by viewing the lives of families around them, peeking through windows of their houses.

Played in the round with 8 chapters that the characters take us through, these teenagers whose routine is living in poverty, Esme, dirty and discarded, her story of abuse unfolds.

It is a tough play, so real in all its pain but left us with a glimmer of hope. The story is based on real events, Fin Fletcher as Esme is a glorious survivor whilst Huso, Zachary Kazepis has also a very strong performance as her caring play mate.

As the play finished the audience sat there stunned, but as the lights rose on the two actors after the last chapter the audience broke into a feverish applause.

Written by Ayse Bayramoglu

Directed by Lloyd Jones

Translated by Bilge Gulturk Loro

Performed by Anna Priestly and Zac Kazepis

Image by Zac Kazepis

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