XANI – ISSUE #26 – APRIL 2020

Xani strings
Xani strings

issue #21 september news new music out today

Hello darling friends,

How are you all doing?

So as you all know, I am outta work and it’s taken me a little while to get in to some sort of routine (how do you make a routine when there is nothing to do?). I start my day with Yoga With Adriene, then I do some kettlebells and skipping, I read a book and have a cuppa, go for a stroll and then I knuckle down into my own music projects and do stuff. 

Below is a list of things I’ve decided to work on for the next few months. If you just need something soothing to listen to, skip down to the bottom because I’m sending you all a free song this month. Maybe it will be soothing, maybe it will make you cry. But it’s a song from long, long ago called “Little Soul”.

Live Streaming
As a way of staying connected and getting that rush I love so much when performing live, I’ll be presenting some live streamed gigs. Every Sunday at 4pm AEST catch me over on twitch.tv for a 60 minute show. I’ll be basing the gigs on a new theme each week.

How To: Play Contemporary Violin
For anyone who has been itching to get out their violin (or any stringed instrument for that matter), I’ll be running some live streamed How-To workshops every Wednesday from 8-9pm over on twitch.tv. The first one is tonight! Eeeek. I’ll be running through playing in tune and then a more advanced session on the infamous “chop”. Tune in even if you’re just interested in violin techniques.

Bandcamp Subscriptions
Doing all this work and creating all this content in a time when there are no jobs is all good and well, but I am very passionate about the ethical consumption of music. If you’d like to tune in to my streams, please consider either donating an amount each month or subscribing to my Bandcamp page. Each week I’ll be releasing Subscriber-only “Live In Iso” raw recordings following my journey from the very beginning of songwriting up until now with a little description about when and why I wrote each piece.

MAS Live Concerts
I’ll be performing a couple of live streams and pre-recorded streams with MAS (Melbourne Amplified Strings). Here are details for both concerts:

MAS presents concert preview NEW MUSEUM
With special guest Georgina Lewis (piano)
April 4th
MAS with special guest Sarita McHarg (sitar, voice)
Presented by The Boite
April 23rd
Finally, I will be tackling a project I’ve wanted to do for some time now and that is to compose string quartets. I’ll be getting right into this next week, so stay tuned for what happens with that. Chances are I’ll end up just grabbing a punnet of cookies and cream ice-cream and tipping in a litre of bourbon. It’ll be one or the other and both will be great.
Stay up-beat, stay healthy and thanks for tuning in.

Love xani

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