3 Ways to Simplify Your Morning Routine

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The manner in which you start the morning can set the entire tone for the rest of your day. If you consistently are finding yourself running around racing against the clock to accomplish everything that you need to before leaving the house, you can find yourself incredibly stressed out before your day even properly begins.

However, an efficient and smooth morning routine can help you to get the day started on the right foot. You can calmly prepare yourself for the day ahead without all of the stress and chaos that you typically have to deal with.

Depending on your situation, finding the perfect morning routine can take some time. For example, you might have kids to feed and dress or emails that must be answered before you can leave the house. However, there are a few key things that you can do to simplify your mornings regardless of the other matters that you have to see to before your day begins.

Here are three things that you can do to simplify your morning so that you can start the day off on an efficient and less stressful note.

Get Ready Faster

It might sound easier said than done, but there are actually a few key changes to your routine that you can make that will help you to get ready faster in the morning. For instance, instead of spending five minutes trying to decide what to wear, take the time at night before going to sleep to pick your outfit for the following day.

You can also eliminate any time that you spend finding your glasses or putting in contact lenses by undergoing Lasik eye surgery. Freeing your eyes in this way will also help you to feel more alert first thing in the morning from the moment you open your eyes.

Meal Prep Breakfast

When you spend the majority of your mornings rushing around trying to get yourself and everyone else ready for the day, it can be difficult to get a hearty and healthy breakfast on the table. Without proper fuel for your day, you might struggle to really get going for the day.

Instead of resorting to unhealthy options that end up causing a mid-morning crash, opt to meal prep healthier options earlier on in the week that can simply be taken out of the fridge and eaten in the morning.

There are some simple options for breakfast sandwiches that can be made and stored in the freezer. You can then microwave up the perfect breakfast for yourself while you pour your morning cup of coffee. Other options that are even less work include overnight oats and freezer-prepped smoothies.

Make Your Bed

It might sound like adding another chore to your morning to-do list but taking a couple of minutes each day to make your bed can drastically improve your level of productivity for the rest of the day. Studies have shown that making your bed first thing in the morning can make you more productive and efficient for the rest of your morning and the entire day ahead.

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