5 Tips On How To Make Your Car Last Longer

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You’re thankful for your car for the convenience it brings to you on a daily basis. It makes sure you have the comfort and safety that you deserve when going on a road trip or just only going to work. To keep your car at its best and fully functional, you must take care of it properly.

Mechanic Fixing Car in Garage

Doing routine check-ups, quick repairs or full car service is one of your responsibilities as a car owner. Taking care of your car can be a simple wash and wipe or putting it up for a car detailing. You should treat your car as a human with the need to do check-ups, maintenance, proper hygiene, eating correctly, etc. to live longer.

Here are five tips to help you take care of your car for it to last longer:

Check The Air Filter

If you don’t want to suddenly have a broken air conditioning system in your vehicle and sweat while you’re driving, checking your air filter might be best. You should replace your air filters yearly or every 12,000 miles, or have it cleaned from time to time if you notice your car’s temperature is not getting cold enough. Checking your air filter can avoid you or your family having an allergic reaction to dust because of a faulty air filter.

Monitor The Fluids

For your car to work correctly, it needs different types of fluids for each system. There are many kinds of fluid in your car that act as a coolant, lubricant, etc., that makes your vehicle operating smoothly. Make sure to check the fluid levels of your car such as the engine fluid, brake fluids, transmission fluids, wiper fluids, etc. And look for your car’s manual on what is the suggested time to change your fluids, it’s usually on a mile interval.

Check this: How to Check the 6 Essential Fluids in Your Car

Assess The Tires

You should do a rotation of your tires by changing its position from time to time to prevent it from wearing off and make it last longer. You can interchange one of your front tires with the rear tire. Always check if your tire is, so you have full control of your car when driving. Also, check the tire pressure with a gauge to increase its durability.

Replace Your Spark Plugs

If you experience trouble in starting up your vehicle, it is not accelerating at it’s best, there is an engine surge, or your car consumes more fuel than before, maybe it’s time to replace your spark plugs. You can change your spark plugs every 30,00 miles if your spark plugs is a copper type or every 100,000 miles if yours is the iridium type.

Cover When Not In Use

The paint job of your car can quickly wear off if it’s continuously bathing in the sun, so make sure you cover your car when you park it outside for a long time. It will last longer, and you’ll save money from getting it re-painted.

If you want to be sure that your car is in its perfect condition, put it up for a car service Perth that will do a full routine check-up. When your car is well taken care of, it will last longer and will avoid you from spending future repairs.

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