5 Ways Hitting the Mall Can Lead You to a Healthier Life

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Do you remember the last time you went to a shopping mall? I bet, it has been a long time. Too long, in fact.

Surveys suggest that in this year alone, many stores could close.

With the rise of couch shopping, cases of depression, anxiety, obesity and other health conditions related to a sedentary lifestyle are on the rise.

The solution? Combine the need for physical work out with the perks of retail therapy.

In this digital world where the appeal of online shopping is redefining how Australians fill their closets and cupboards, it never hurts to be reminded of the many advantages a shopping mall can offer.

Yes, you heard it right – the advantages of a shopping mall. Here are 5 ways hitting the mall can lead you to a healthier life along with some great deals.

Gets you moving.

Whether it’s a balmy day in March or a brisk July morning, the temperature is always regulated at the Adelaide shopping mall, which makes it the best choice for exercise. If you think of yourself as a casual window shopper and someone who is committed to daily fitness goals, you can take advantage of the mall’s open space every day.

As less as just 30 minutes of walking benefits your overall health, making browsing your local mall in Adelaide, a perfect way to meet your daily steps. It not only improves muscle strength, but it also reduces anxiety and helps reduce high blood pressure.

Relieves STRESS.

You know it. Nothing is relaxing about increasing the debt on your shoulders. But the act of window shopping and strolling through an atmosphere teeming with pleasant smells of Lush and music and lights has positive effects on a person’s stress levels.

Just as we naturally crave sweets to lift our moods, psychologists say that shopping is equally good for people who are stressed.

They also say that if done within your means and in moderation, small treats are those mood-lifers that don’t bring lasting debt.

Creates sensory stimulation.

Business people have made it their goal to create a welcoming and pleasant atmosphere for customers. And the environment – where in-store shopping has the advantage over online.

Retail brands work very hard to deliver a remarkable experience. It is done by making sure the environment has a lasting impact on the five senses.

It’s no surprise that shoppers love the fruity smells of perfumes and candles, fresh kicks and the bold colours at Rebel Sport, and the captivating music coming from high-end fashion stores.

Enjoy free entertainment. 

As more Adelaide mall retailers struggle to attract customers and shoppers, many focus on recreational, entertainment, high-end culinary options and new concepts rather than relying on old ways that focus solely on shopping.

Malls are getting inventive; they are exploring pop-up shops for exclusive online websites, live entertainment, and bowling alleys.

For example, some shopping malls in Adelaide host appearances of famous TV shows and musicians. Such events not only appeal to the millennials but also emerging generation of retailers who are more accustomed to online shopping but are slowly realising the importance of in-store shopping.

Enhances mood.

When Serena Williams, an expert tennis player, gave birth to her Alexis Olympia Ohanian Jr., she dealt with postpartum depression by talking things through with her mom and walking through the mall. In fact, Corine Stokoe, founder of Mint Arrow after giving birth to her first baby said: “I loved getting out of the house and window shopping, especially during the cold winter months”.

Various studies have found that shopping activates the pleasure spots of the brain, those that are responsible for releasing the feel-good chemical dopamine, which is why bargain hunting and window shopping are so satisfying and comforting.

Experts say the diamond age of shopping mall retail has lost its shine, and that’s definitely a tragedy. The benefits of visiting the shopping mall extend beyond the realm of fulfilling the items on your shopping list. Shopping in a retail store is extremely good for your health.

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